A study of Ni/Al2O3 and Ni–La/Al2O3 catalysts for the steam reforming ...
2015年9月1日 · Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) tests were used to identify and evaluate the reducibility of the various nickel species present on the alumina-supported catalysts. In a typical H 2-TPR test the as-calcined catalyst was reduced by a 10% H 2 /Ar gas mixture, while the temperature was increased from RT to 1173 K at a rate of 15 K/min.
Nanostructure of nickel-promoted indium oxide catalysts drives ...
2021年3月30日 · Up to 10 wt.% nickel, InNi 3 patches are formed on the oxide surface, which cannot activate CO 2 but boost methanol production supplying neutral hydrogen species.
Insight and comprehensive study of Ni-based catalysts ... - Nature
2024年10月4日 · From the TPR profiles of the Ni/Y 2 O 3 and Ni/MgO catalysts and the absence of diffraction peaks of NiO, it is more likely due to a small Ni 2+ species being strongly bonded with the...
Temperature-programmed-reduction studies of nickel …
1995年6月1日 · Two series of NiO Al 2 O 3 catalysts with various metal loadings were prepared by incipientwetness impregnation and coprecipitation methods. The reducibilities of NiO over these catalysts were investigated by the temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) technique. For impregnated Ni Al 2 O 3 catalysts, more than one species was detected by TPR.
Ni catalyst supported on nitrogen-doped activated carbon for …
2021年1月15日 · Ni/AC-N-0.5 displayed excellent activity in the selective hydrogenation of high-concentration acetylene. The electron transfer between N and Ni enhances the interaction between metal and support meanwhile promotes the stability of the catalyst.
Ni-Mo / Al 2 O 3 催化剂的还原性:TPR研究,Journal of Catalysis
Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) has been employed to study the reducibility of Ni-Mo/γ-Al catalysts (0-5 wt% NiO; 12 wt% MoO) calcined at temperatures () between 400 and 800°C. Catalysts were further characterized by XRD, BET …
测试条件对Ni催化剂的金属分散度的影响,测试条件对Ni催化剂的金 …
2015年4月20日 · TPR实验结果 表明,Ni催化剂中含有两种氧化态Ni,分别在300,800 q c下可被还原。 静态H: 化学吸附法的实验结果表明,高还原温度和长 还原时间会使Ni金属发生高温烧结 ;长时间抽真空可去除还原过程中残留在体系内和Ni金属表面物理吸附的H: ;H: 在Ni金属 上 ...
Ni-Fe催化剂TPR还原峰分析 - 第 2 页 - 催化 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研
上Fe和Ni的方式会对最后的材料性质有很大影响,文献也有形成合金后性质突变的报道,但也有可能是粒子尺寸发挥了主要作用。 果如楼主所说XRD并不明显,可能在TEM或者HRTEM上面达到一些直观的迹象,比如晶格条纹等等。
煅烧和还原温度对Ni-P/SiO2和Ni-P/Al2O3性能及其加氢脱氮性能 …
采用程序升温还原(tpr)方法制备了一系列sio 2 负载和γ-al 2 o 3负载的磷化镍,采用不同的煅烧和还原温度。 通过xrd、bet、h 2-tpr、co滴定和hrtem对制备的催化剂进行了表征。晶相和co吸收量受煅烧和还原温度的影响。
镍催化剂的TPR研究 - cip
Abstract: The reduction characteristics of nickel catalysts have been investigated by thermoconductivity-temperature-programmed-reduction (TC-TPR) technique. Results showed that on these catalysts there exist three species of nickel oxide, for which the reduction temperatures were 400-500, 600-650, >750℃ and activation energies were 16.1,28,5 ...