Jun 8, 2016 · The X100-Series of NetLinx Integrated Master Controllers can both be programmed to control RS-232/422/485, Relay, IR/Serial, and Input/Output devices through the use of both the NetLinx programming language and the NetLinx Studio application version.
With the ability to integrate a large number of devices, the NI-3100 controls a wide variety of components including audio/video conferencing, projectors, DVD and blu-ray players, lights, thermostats and other
The NI 3100/3110 embedded controller is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period.
NI-3100Netlinx 集成控制器, - 南京丽音视听设备有限公司
NI-3100单元理想适用于更大区域的需求或者具备高级控制和自动化特色的多个房间。 特色 · 7 个可配置的RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485 Serial 端口 · 8 个继电器 · 8 个IR/Serial 端口 · 8 个数字I/O 通道 · 2 个 通讯网络:AxLink 和以太网(TCP/IP)
AMX NI-3100 用户手册 - 页码 1 共 36 | Manualsbrain.com
NI-3100 — 在线阅读或下载PDF格式用户手册。总页数:36.
AMX NI-3100 集中控制主机_环球音响网 - pro001.com
amx ni-3100 集中控制主机 NI-3000可满足更大区域或多个房间内更高端的控制和自动化要求,可集成控制更多的电子设备,如录像机和 DVD 播放器、投影机、投影屏幕、照明设备以及其它连接的系统
NetLinx合并式主控器 - 美国Harman哈曼国际AMX公司
安玛思AMX Netlinx 集成控制器NI-3100 具有能力集成大量设备,可以控制较宽泛的组件,包括音频/视频会议,投影机、VCR和DVD播放机、灯光、温度控制器和在其他更大区域常见的电子设备。
With the ability to integrate a large number of devices, the NI-3100 controls a wide variety of components including audio/video conferencing, projectors, VCR and DVD players, lights, thermostats and other electronic equipment found in larger areas.
产品--详细 - dit-system.com
AMX NetLinx 网络型主控器 NI-3100产品特点. 前面板带各种控制功能LED灯显示,来指示设备运作状态。 处理器速度可达257 MIPS。 具备ICSNet接口及Axlink数据接口,可连接各种用户操作界面及扩展盒或扩展卡。 ICSNet最远可传输1000英尺,Axlink最远可传输3000英尺。 处理器上直接提供True 10/100 baseT Ethernet 网络连接口。 程序编写采用嵌. 入式架构(Embedded),处理器直接提供程序储存及运算,并提供适当的人机操作界面。 不同的主控器之间可相互沟通及控 …
User manual AMX NI-3100 (English - 160 pages)
May 25, 2012 · View the manual for the AMX NI-3100 here, for free. This manual comes under the category controllers and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 8.8. This manual is available in the following languages: English.
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