Home Page - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
SERVING AMERICA’S RENTAL HOUSING NEEDS. NLHA is a vital and effective advocate for 500 housing provider organizations and their consultants, specializing in federally-assisted rental housing.
Education Fund - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
EDUCATION FUND The NLHA Education Fund was established as a 501(c)(3) organization to raise funds for the purpose of awarding education grants and scholarships to low income individuals residing in federally assisted rental housing owned, managed, or administered by members of the National Leased Housing Association. The National Leased Housing …
Membership - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
MEMBERSHIP The National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) was formed in 1972 to represent the interests of both public and private sector organizations involved in federally assisted rental housing programs. NLHA’s current focus includes: Preservation of the Section 8 inventory Reinforcing the Essential Role of PHAs in administering the voucher program …
2025 Mid-Year Meeting Registration - NLHA - National Leased …
Sustaining Private Member $2,650 annually. Any for-profit organization involved in government assisted rental housing programs. A sustaining membership includes one free admission to each seminar/meeting sponsored by NLHA during a calendar year as well as substantial discounts for other registrants.
Online Payment Form - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
NLHA is a vital and effective advocate for nearly 500 member organizations including Owners, Public Housing Authorities, Developers, Housing Managers, Lenders, State Housing Finance Agencies, Syndicators, Attorneys, Accountants, Local Governments and Investment Bankers. Please complete the application below for your organization.
Seminars & Meetings - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
CALENDAR OF EVENTS & TRAINING SEMINARS NLHA’s seminar and meeting format is unique and has earned the association a reputation for excellence of faculty, presentation and content. Subject matter includes ownership strategies, voucher administration, development opportunities, occupancy and asset management as well as a myriad of programmatic …
Membership Application - NLHA - National Leased Housing …
NLHA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Add your voice to NLHA’s as an effective advocate for organizations offering low and moderate income housing. NLHA consistently provides its members with timely, detailed information on the latest program developments and requirements. NLHA’s hard hitting facts, solid analysis, and persuasive arguments have helped obtain …
Contact Us - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
CONTACT US NLHA welcomes your interest, comments, suggestions, and questions. We depend upon input from our members to improve our services. Thank you for taking the time to contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. National Leased Housing Association (NLHA)1900 L Street, NW, Suite 300Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202.785.8888Fax: …
Resources - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
VALUABLE RESOURCES FROM NLHA NLHA provides essential resources including relevant data, important and timely news impacting its members and information on key service providers in our industry. HUD COVID-19 RESOURCES INDUSTRY SERVICES FACT SHEETS – PBRA JOB OPPORTUNITIES
Fact Sheets - PBRA - NLHA - National Leased Housing Association
VALUABLE RESOURCES FROM NLHA Fact Sheets – PBRA All files are downloadable as PDF files. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada …