NLog: NLog是一个基于.NET平台编写的类库,我们可以使用NLog在应用程序中添加极为完善的跟踪调试代码。 NLog …
NLog是一个简单灵活的.NET日志记录类库。 通过使用NLog,我们可以在任何一种.NET语言中输出带有上下文的(contextual information)调试诊断信息,根据喜好配置其表现样式之后发送到一个或多个输出目标(target)中
NLog.Mongo/logo.png at master · loresoft/NLog.Mongo · GitHub
MongoDB Target for NLog. Contribute to loresoft/NLog.Mongo development by creating an account on GitHub.
.NET 6 配置使用NLog日志框架的方法及示例代码-CJavaPy
2023年9月14日 · 本文主要介绍.NET 6 中配置使用NLog,以及相关示例代码。 使用NLog需要安装引用 NLog.Extensions.Hosting,如配置文件使用类似 ${aspnet-request-url} 的配置,以 aspnet- 开头的则需要安装 NLog.Web.AspNetCore。 1)NLog.Extensions.Hosting. 在Nuget管理程序中,搜索 "NLog.Extensions.Logging",然后点击安装。 2)NLog.Web.AspNetCore. 在Nuget管理程序中,搜索 "NLog.Web.AspNetCore",然后点击安装。 相关文档: VS (Visual Studio)中Nuget的 …
c# - NLog does not create a log file - Stack Overflow
The NLog github page had the answer. (I've reformatted the paragraph a little for better readability.) https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Logging-troubleshooting. NLog cannot find the configuration file. This can happen when the NLog.config file is configured with Build Action = None or Copy to Output Directory = Do not copy in Visual Studio.
Welcome to NLOG | NLOG
Welcome to NLOG This website provides information on energy and mineral resources in the deep subsurface of the Netherlands and Dutch continental shelf. This includes among others the exploration and production of natural gas, oil and geothermal energy.
GitHub - loresoft/NLog.Mongo: MongoDB Target for NLog
2013年5月3日 · Writes NLog messages to MongoDB. The NLog.Mongo library is available on nuget.org via package name NLog.Mongo. To install NLog.Mongo, run the following command in the Package Manager Console. More information about NuGet package avaliable at https://nuget.org/packages/NLog.Mongo. <add assembly = "NLog.Mongo" />
Adding properties to log message in NLog in .net core
NLog can integrate with Microsoft ILogger, and will capture messsage-template properties: logger.LogInformation("Message {PropertyName}", "PropertyValue"); It has been supported since NLog.Extensions.Logging ver. 1.0 in combination with NLog ver. 4.5.
NLog.github.io/_layouts/default.html at master · NLog/NLog.github…
Docs master nav --> The official website: nlog-project.org. Contribute to NLog/NLog.github.io development by creating an account on GitHub.
c# - NLog - delete logs older than X days - Stack Overflow
2015年8月18日 · To enable NLog to automatically manage your current and old log files, you need to use the NLog archiving functionality. As documented in the NLog file target documentation here you can use the attributes archiveFileName and maxArchiveFiles together with a daily log to keep log files for X days before NLog removes them.
Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog - Pluralsight
2023年11月2日 · In this course, Monitoring .NET Applications with NLog, you will gain the ability to setup monitoring in your .NET application. First, you will learn how to set up NLog from NuGet and Source. Next, you will discover how to properly organize your log data.