Diaphragm Gas Pump - NMP 03 - KNF Group
KNF diaphragm gas pumps transfer or compress gases and vapors and generate vacuum without contaminating the media. They are available with options for application requirements related to size, motor, control, voltage, chemical resistance, safety, vibration, noise and temperature resistance. All pump types offer oil-free operation.
隔膜气泵 - NMP 03 - knf.com
Operating Manual NMP 03. PDF (272 KB) - 操作手册 - 英语 3D CAD Model NMP 03. ZIP (27 MB) - CADファイル - 英语 Datasheet MEZ-1. PDF (374 KB) - 产品规格书 - 英语 配件 NMP 03. 您可以在此找到该产品可用附件的概述。 如需更多详情或订购要求,请与我们的专家联系。 ...
隔膜泵 - NMP 03 series - KNF NEUBERGER - 用于气体 / 无刷直流 …
规格型号:NMP 03 series,公司品牌:KNF NEUBERGER。 直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。 寻找更多国外精选隔膜泵产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
NMP 03 – Micro Diaphragm Gas Pumps – DRF - en.drftwn.com
NMP 03 is ideal for applications where size, weight, vibration, and noise are critical requirements. Its unique combination of small size and powerful performance enables the pump to deliver efficiency, control and linearity in even the smallest of spaces. Currently NMP 03 is available with the following motor options:
NMP 03 – 微型隔膜式氣體幫浦 – DRF 德瑞孚 - drftwn.com
NPM 03運行時的音量監測圖 精準可靠 隨裝即用. 採用 Reciprocating Displacement Pump Technoloy,確保您的產品擁有專業等級的準確度,同時降低維護成本。在任何位置都能安裝,裝了就可以用。 量身打造
is applied to the diaphragm via a connecting rod. Working in conjunc-tion with the inlet and outlet valves, the movement of . ball bearing, electronically commutated DC motor. The motor is vibration-free, non-arcing and silent, and features a compact design, . ariant, but …
KNF pumps in the NMP 03 range are to transfer, evacuate and compress gases. Only install and operate the pumps under the operating parameters and conditions described in Chapter 4, Technical data. Only com-pletely installed pumps may be taken into service.
Diaphragm Gas Pump - NMP 03 - knf.com
KNF diaphragm gas pumps transfer or compress gases and vapors and generate vacuum without contaminating the media. They are available with options for application requirements related to size, motor, control, voltage, chemical resistance, safety, vibration, noise and temperature resistance. All pump types offer oil-free operation.
KNF微型隔膜式氣體幫浦 - NMP 03-德瑞孚股份有限公司-2025 台 …
世界上最小的微型氣體幫浦,包含無刷馬達在內,整體長度僅24.2 mm,極致迷你、輕巧,不同款式僅約10.8至13.9克,傳輸量從最小幾毫升,到最大500 ml/min。
Before operation begins, the relevant operating instructions and/or assembly or installation instructions should be read and the safety information contained in these instructions should be noted. KNF reserves the right to make changes to the product and the associated documen-tation without prior notice to the customer.