NOAA42 Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
Flight status, tracking, and historical data for NOAA42 including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
NOAA Hurricane Hunters - Wikipedia
The NOAA Hurricane Hunters are a group of aircraft used for hurricane reconnaissance by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They fly through hurricanes to help forecasters and scientists gather operational and research data.
NOAA42飓风猎人事件 - 百度百科
1989年9月,一架noaa42飓风猎人飞机在雨果通过加勒比海和南卡罗来纳州的破坏性横冲直撞之前拦截了飓风雨果。 飞机上的船员是遇到强大飓风的第一批人,而且几乎成了第一个受害者。 该任务仍然是noaa飓风猎人系列飞机进行的最悲惨的飞行。
25th Anniversary of a 'hairy hop' into Hurricane Hugo - NOAA's …
On September 15, 1989, NOAA 42 “Kermit” flew a research mission into Hurricane Hugo, east of Barbados, that became what old-time Hurricane Hunters called a “hairy hop”. This referred to a hurricane flight where the turbulence was so severe as to put the mission in jeopardy.
Lockheed WP-3D Orion | Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
NOAA's two Lockheed WP-3D Orion "Hurricane Hunters" play a key role in collecting data vital to tropical cyclone research and forecasting. These highly-capable four-engine turboprops also support a wide variety of atmospheric and air chemistry missions.
NOAA 42 Hurricane Hunters - Take to the Sky: The Air Disaster Podcast
2021年12月2日 · In September 1989, a group of scientists and pilots known as the Hurricane Hunters took off in NOAA 42, a government research plane, to gather important information on the rapidly growing hurricane Hugo.
Weather Underground
Our aircraft, NOAA 42, will repeatedly penetrate the eye at the lowest safe altitude, and gather detailed information on the low-level storm environment and air-sea interaction.
40th Anniversary of inaugural hurricane flight for NOAA 42
On August 27, 1976, NOAA’s new Orion P-3 research aircraft (NOAA 42) took off from Acapulco, Mexico and flew a mission into Hurricane Bonny. This was the first flight into a hurricane for this plane that had been acquired by the US Dept. of Commerce the previous year to replace the old DC-6 research planes used since 1960 to gather in situ ...
Hurricanes: Science and Society: Hurricane Hunters
A NOAA hurricane reconnaissance crew (NOAA 42) endured a near disastrous surveillance flight as they flew into the then Category 5 hurricane, Hurricane Hugo, at 1,500 ft (457.2 m). As they flew through the storm’s eywall they encountered sustained winds of 297.7 km/h (185 mph) (gusting to 315.4 km/h [196 mph]) and extreme updrafts and ...
1989年アメリカ海洋大気庁P-3エンジン喪失事故 - Wikipedia
ロッキードWP-3DオライオンN42RF号機(NOAA42)・通称 カーミット は、3台のコンピュータ及び50台以上ものナビゲーションシステムと科学機器からなるレーダーを搭載した ハリケーン・ハンター であり、ハリケーン・ヒューゴの研究フライトを務めることとなった。 ハリケーン・ヒューゴは9月10日にアフリカの西海岸沖で発生後、カリブ海諸島と米国東海岸に向かって西に移動しているところであった。 ハリケーンスケールではカテゴリ2~カテゴリ3と …