Homepage - NOF Metal Coatings
Powered by a multi-regional synergy, we offer coating solutions for metal parts inspired by a global vision and supported by local teams. Our sites are located in Europe, Asia, North and South America.
Homepage - NOF Metal Coatings North America
service of innovation to create new coating solutions. Our products are applied worldwide by licensed applicators. We offer you customized trainings on the coating universe. They specify …
Homepage - NOF Metal Coatings
由我们集团旗下设分布世界各地的子公司(欧洲,亚洲,北美,南美)多区域协同作用与当地的专业团队共同助力下,帮助您提供金属零部件的涂层解决方案。 通过探索你所在地区网站找到属于您自己的专属涂层系统方案。 进步源自你我。
Since its founding in 1937, we at NOF Group have been expanding our business as a chemical manufacturer in multifaceted ways.
Metal Coatings|Business|NOF CORPORATION
The Metal Coatings Group has accumulated the most advanced surface treatment technologies with the core of highly original techniques for anti-corrosion agents to become a global de facto standard of the anti-corrosion for automotive parts.
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日油集 - NOF
冲击器(炸药部位) 小型行星探查机“隼2”搭载了名为“冲击器”的全新功能,该功能依靠爆炸的威力发射高速金属球,形成人工陨石坑,是由日本工机株式会社与宇宙航空研究开发机构( 发完成。 工业炸药 在国土开发以及矿山等方面使用,我们开发了含水炸药、硝酸铵燃料油炸药(铵油炸药)、电雷管、电磁感应式起爆系统、炸药远程装填系统等高性能 .
For more than 40 years, NOF Metal Coatings Group’s mission has been to add value and durability to all types of metallic parts. We provide high performing coating solutions and invented the...
中国国际表面处理展 - SFCHINA
近半个世纪以来,我们的全球网络一直致力于开发高质量的微涂层防腐蚀体系,先后开发出达克乐®(DACROMET®)与无铬处理新技术产品久美特®(GEOMET®)系列涂层,并广泛应用于汽车、重型卡车、轨道交通、风力发电等要求苛刻的行业,在防腐性能、安全、环境保护等方面满足全球客户的需求。 此外,我们依托全球协作网络的资源,建立了完备的世界服务体系,为世界各地的客户提供防锈涂料的供给与技术支持。
NOF Metal Coatings North America - LinkedIn
NOF Metal Coatings North America is a developer and manufacturer of proprietary corrosion protective coatings, sealers, and topcoats for ferrous metals. Our patented coatings for GEOMET®...
NOF METAL COATINGS ASIA PACIFIC CO., LTD. is the world’s leading supplier of waterborne chrome-free anti-corrosion agents for metals. It is developing unique waterborne anticorrosion agents for automotive industries while leading the field in …