NPP dosage and cycle duration - AnabolicMinds.com
2021年4月21日 · Was thinking about using NPP for my next "blast" cycle. I've not used this compound before and understand that you need to pin every 2 to 3 days in order to keep blood levels stable; I'm absolutely fine to do that. What I'm unsure about, and have read conflicting information about, is what constitutes an effective dose.
TestE/NPP Cycle - AnabolicMinds.com
2018年11月20日 · To anyone who is curious, Im just a little over 2 weeks on my 500 test 400 NPP cycle, and so far its the greatest start to a cycle ive ever had. Im believing the hype on NPP. Kicked in faster and stronger than dbol, and getting the same strength boost as when ive kickstarted with Anadrol, without the brutal liver toxicity and lethargy.
Test E with NPP - AnabolicMinds.com
2020年6月2日 · Sample cycle would be Weeks 1-14 test e 400mg/week Weeks 4-14 NPP 400mg/ week Also, In the past I’ve ALWAYS ran my test lower than tren and had no sides- beautiful cycles. Since NPP is also a 19nor, would I possibly benefit from this too?
Test prop/Masteron/npp cycle critique - AnabolicMinds.com
2013年2月9日 · Hey guys, I am looking to start a Test Prop (150mg/1ML), NPP (150 mg/ml) and Masteron Prop (150 mg/ml) cycle and was looking for some advice/critique so I can improve the cycle. Stats: 26 years old. 172cm. 85kg. 10-11% BF. Diet is excellent. High protein, complex carbs and healthy fats ONLY!
Test/Npp & Dbol cycle - Underground Body Building Forum
2022年3月16日 · I am going to run a bulking cycle - Which consist of AAS Testosterone Cyp : 400mg EW Weeks 1-6 (two 200mg shots per week) NPP : 100mg EW : Weeks 1-2 (two 50mg shots per week) NPP : 200mg EW : Weeks 3-6 (one 100mg shot and two 50mg shots per week) Dianabol 20mg ED Weeks 3-6 (2 separate doses one 2hours preworkout, and the other 4 …
Test/mast/npp cycle advice | Underground Body Building Forum
2021年5月24日 · Start the Test E and MastE 2 weeks earlier than the NPP to give the longer esters a chance to start working fully. I don’t think you want to run a 16-20 week cycle if you plan to PCT. Consider Test/Mast for 12 weeks and the NPP for 10 weeks. NPP gets pinned EOD (or MWF if you want) so mix the TestE/MastE in on those days too.
Test cyp/npp/dbol? - AnabolicMinds.com
2022年12月10日 · 2nd time w/ test and Nandrolone (1st cycle was 500 test and 300-400 Deca with some NPP mixed in). I would take some kind of anti-prolactin supplement or B-6. With my last cycle, I relied mostly on supps.
2017年1月16日 · NPP wk 1-4 800mgs Tren ace 5-8 500mgs Trt 200-250 after wk 12 Cycle Layout #2 Test C 1-12 500 Prop 1-4 300 wk Dbol 50 wks 1-5 NPP 1-7 450mgs Tren ace 1-7 300mgs I'm not sure if running higher mgs for a shorter duration will yield better results. Or extending the cycle and alternating compounds will reep even better results.
Test Prop, Tren Ace, NPP - Cycle questions. - AnabolicMinds.com
2017年5月27日 · So depending on the person, yes you can combine 2 19nors, I will on my next cycle, that said you seem like youre just doing simple math on your stack. The real deal is getting 3 compounds to compliment each other and that is done by balancing your sides VS gains on each combo. EX Test & Tren, Test & NPP , Tren & Npp for you personally.
Low dose NPP with TRT Test? - AnabolicMinds.com
2019年11月29日 · Supposed cycle is 100mg test and npp going from 200 to 300 (start/end cycle), combined with low dose orals (tbol, dbol, SD), some at the end and some at the beginning. Goal.is to not have/consume much more then 500mg - 600mg (weekly) of …