Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI): responsibilities of …
2023年9月26日 · To check if land is designated a SSSI, use DataMapWales. To see documents for a SSSI, such as its reason for designation and location, use the designated sites search. Each SSSI has a list of activities that we think are likely to damage the site’s special interest. These are OLDSI lists. Older sites may have a PDO list.
Find protected areas of land and sea - Natural Resources Wales
Search the map below for protected area by using an address, postcode, or name of a village, town or city. Click the 'layer list' icon on the top right to see the different types of protected sites. You can turn these layers on and off. You can also use our site search tool below to see protected sites by designation or by county.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) | DataMapWales
Local planning authorities are required to consult NRW before allowing any development to proceed that may affect an SSSI. Water, gas and electricity companies must also do the same. SSSIs have been designated over a number of years, from …
Types of protected areas of land and sea - Natural Resources …
2019年6月21日 · SSSIs are the most important sites for Wales’ natural heritage. They are highly protected to safeguard the range, quality and variety of habitats, species and geological features in all parts of Wales. They are the cornerstones of conservation work, protecting the core of our natural heritage.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
SSSIs cover a wide range of habitats from small fens, bogs and riverside meadows to sand-dunes, woodlands and vast tracts of uplands. Most are in private ownership, although some are owned and managed by local wildlife trusts, or other voluntary conservation bodies.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)
A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).
This guidance covers the procedures for appeals where Natural Resources Wales (NRW) have refused consent or granted consent with conditions if they think your proposed activity, such as ploughing or removing plants, could damage a site of special scientific interest (SSSI).
Protected areas of land and seas - Natural Resources Wales
Find protected areas of land and sea Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI): responsibilities of owners and occupiers Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI): responsibilities of public bodies and statutory undertakers Check if your works on a SSSI are covered by a Regulatory Decision Types of protected areas of land and sea National ...
Natural England Open Data Geoportal - ArcGIS
Sites of Special Scientific Interest Site Units are divisions of SSSIs based on habitat, tenure and management, and are the basis for recording all information on SSSI Condition and management.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) - data.gov.uk
In order to ensure consistent, favourable long-term management of these sites, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) with landowners have prepared management plans for all SSSI in Wales.