The thioredoxin-related redox-regulating protein nucleoredoxin inhibits ...
2006年4月2日 · Here, we report that nucleoredoxin (NRX)4, a thioredoxin (TRX) family protein, interacts with Dvl. Overexpression of NRX selectively suppresses the Wnt–β-catenin pathway and ablation of NRX by...
The thioredoxin-related redox-regulating protein nucleoredoxin inhibits ...
Here, we report that nucleoredoxin (NRX), a thioredoxin (TRX) family protein, interacts with Dvl. Overexpression of NRX selectively suppresses the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway and ablation of NRX by RNA-interference (RNAi) results in activation of TCF, accelerated cell proliferation and enhancement of oncogenicity through cooperation with mitogen ...
Nucleoredoxin Sustains Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling by Retaining a …
2010年11月9日 · Biochemical analyses reveal that Dvl is rapidly degraded by accelerated ubiquitination in NRX−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts, and they fail to activate Wnt/β-catenin signaling in response to Wnt ligands. Moreover, experiments utilizing purified proteins show that NRX expels KLHL12 from Dvl and inhibits ubiquitination.
Dvl and NRX is inhibited by H 2 O 2 treatment. These data suggest a relationship between the Wnt– β-catenin pathway and redox signalling through redox-sensitive association of NRX with Dvl.
We previously reported that nucleoredoxin (NRX) directly binds to Dishevelled (Dvl) and inhibits its signaling function in culture cells [4]. To further elucidate the function of NRX in vivo, we generated NRX knockout mice. A redox-catalytic motif (WCPPC) in NRX is essential for NRX-Dvl interaction and Wnt/b-catenin signaling suppression [4 ...
Regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway by redox signaling - Cell …
The binding of Dvl to NRX depends on NRX activity, as mutation of two catalytic cysteines disrupts binding to Dvl. Furthermore, binding is inhibited by treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2, a non-radical form of ROS), which suggests that the Dvl/NRX interaction is regulated by oxidative stress.
Redox regulation of Wnt signalling via nucleoredoxin - PubMed
NRX usually interacts with Dishevelled (Dvl), an essential adaptor protein for Wnt signalling, and blocks the activation of the Wnt pathway. Oxidative stress causes dissociation of NRX from Dvl, which enables Dvl to activate the downstream Wnt signalling pathway. This study also presents the latest research findings on NRX and its related ...
(PDF) The thioredoxin-related redox-regulating protein …
2006年6月1日 · Here, we report that nucleoredoxin (NRX), a thioredoxin (TRX) family protein, interacts with Dvl. Overexpression of NRX selectively suppresses the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway and ablation of...
The thioredoxin-related redox-regulating protein nucleoredoxin …
Here, we report that nucleoredoxin (NRX), a thioredoxin (TRX) family protein, interacts with Dvl. Overexpression of NRX selectively suppresses the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway and ablation of NRX by RNA-interference (RNAi) results in activation of TCF, accelerated cell proliferation and enhancement of oncogenicity through cooperation with mitogen ...
Nucleoredoxin regulates the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway in
2008年8月28日 · In co-injection experiments of Dvl and NRX mRNA, NRX suppresses the Dvl-induced bent-axis phenotype. Over-expression or depletion of NRX also suppresses the convergent extension movements that are believed to underlie normal gastrulation. We also found that NRX can inhibit Dvl-induced up-regulation of c-Jun phosphorylation.