NS-9820-00/01/02 / 电子圆头锁眼机 - 宁波传祺缝纫科技有限公司
ns-9820-00/01/02 产品特点 经过科学改良的底线夹线结构,可以大大提高夹线的效果,从而避免因底线夹线不良而引起的起针脱线或线迹不良。 特殊工艺加工处理的齿轮和凸轮,大幅度降低了机器噪音及震动,经过科学的实验测试,噪音比历史数据降低了8-10 个分贝 ...
ns-9820-00/01/02 product features Improved the thread catach structure to avoid the thread fall off. Special process processing of gears and cams, a significant reduction in the machine noise and vibration, after a scientific experimental test, the noise than the historical data reduced by 8-10 dB, the operators comfort greatly improved.
New automated production process, increased production efficiency by 200%. Compared with the traditional models, Increased production efficiency by more than 400%! Eliminate the operator / equipment waiting for a waste of time, Greatly improved work efficiency! Energy-saving, clean and durable! Energy-saving, beautiful stitch!
Electronic Eyelet Button Holer - NINGBO CHINKI SEWING …
NS-9820-00/01/02. ELECTRONIC EYELET BUTTON HOLER. Accurate sewing based on sewing data. NS-1790A. ELECTRONIC TRICKS. Accurate sewing based on sewing data. HOME; PRODUCTS; ABOUT; NEWS; CONTACT; Electronic Pattern Sewing; Intelligent Machine; Electronic Bar Tacking; Electronic Eyelet Button Holer;
JK-9820 带有液晶显示屏(LCD), 并以图标和文 字显示。设置或查看图案以及更改缝制模式时便 于理解并易于操作。 EASY OPERATION NS-9820 has liquid crystal display(LCD), supported by icon and character display. When setting or checking pictures and changing sewing mode, it is easy to understand and operate.
传祺电脑圆头锁眼机 NS-9820-01圆头锁眼缝纫机-阿里巴巴
这是传祺电脑圆头锁眼机 NS-9820-01圆头锁眼缝纫机的详细页面。 订货号:HFXQFZSB,加工定制:否,货号:HFXQFZSB,种类:锁眼机,用途:锁眼机,安装形式:平台式,作用对象:织物,品牌:传祺,型号:NS-9820-01,产品别名:衣车,功率:10(Kw),外形尺寸(长*宽*高):600*600*400(mm),整机重量:200(Kg),产地:合肥市,产品类型:全新,是否跨境出口专供货源:否。 买家须知:本店产品报价仅为参考基准价,下单前请联系客服报价,不联系客服直 …
NS-9820-00/01/02 电子圆头锁眼机-纺织服装机械网
纺织服装机械网为您推荐的产品ns-9820-00/01/02 电子圆头锁眼机是由宁波传祺缝纫科技有限公司提供,当前页面为ns-9820-00/01/02 电子圆头锁眼机的产品详细介绍页面,包含了ns-9820-00/01/02 电子圆头锁眼机产品的图片、价格、报价、型号、产地及供应商联系方式等信息。
NS-9820-00_01_02 电子圆头锁眼机 - 智能制造网
智能制造网为您推荐的产品ns-9820-00_01_02 电子圆头锁眼机是由合肥秀奇服装设备有限公司提供,当前页面为ns-9820-00_01_02 电子圆头锁眼机的产品详细介绍页面,包含了ns-9820-00_01_02 电子圆头锁眼机产品的图片、价格、报价、型号、产地及供应商联系方式等信息。
Pictures of NS 9820 - trainspot.rrpicturearchives.net
NS 9820 (C40-9W) Serial Number: 54978: Order No: 1972: Frame Number: Built: 2/2004: Notes: Builder date March 2004, Placed In Service mar.16 2004 date painted May: Other locos with this serial: NS 9820(C40-9W) NS 9820(C44-9W) Page Controls : …
NS-9820 – Industrial Sewing Machines
Industrial Sewing Machines Manufacturer, Sales and Parts Main Menu. Home; About Us; Sewing Machines Menu Toggle. Heavy Duty Catalog Menu Toggle. Flat-Bed Series
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