NS-P350 - スピーカーシステム - 概要 - ヤマハ
「NS-P350」は、「NS-F350」やサブウーファーなどと組み合わせて5.1chホームシアターを構築するためのセンタースピーカー(1台)/サラウンドスピーカー(2台)をセットにしたス …
NS-P350 - 總覽 - 揚聲器系統 - 家用音響 - 產品 - Yamaha - 台灣
ns-p350 為傳達忠實細節的聲音,這組喇叭包含了一個中置及兩個環繞喇叭,搭配NS-F350打造悅耳的環繞音場效果。 每個聲道都具備全新高音及PMD錐形低音喇叭。
NS-P350 - Overview - Yamaha - Other European Countries
Producing finely detailed sound, this speaker package including a centre and two surround speakers is designed to team with the NS-F350 for a smooth, seamless surround sound field. …
NS-P350 - 特色 - 揚聲器系統 - 家用音響 - 產品 - Yamaha - 台灣
NS-F350的3路4揚聲器系統搭載一個PMD (Polymer-Injected Mica Diaphragm)錐形低音喇叭、中音喇叭及低音喇叭,達到理想的內部耗損率以及從輕柔至剛強的高彈性表現。
YAMAHA 山葉 NS-P350 中置環繞喇叭組 - PChome 24h購物
yamaha 山葉 ns-p350 中置環繞喇叭組 - 日本 yamaha, ns-p350 為傳達忠實細節的聲音 這組喇叭包含了一個中置及兩個環繞喇叭 每個聲道都具備全新高音及pmd錐形低音喇叭。透過5聲道輸出 …
NS-P350 - Features - Speaker Systems - Audio & Visual - Products ...
Producing finely detailed sound, this speaker package including a centre and two surround speakers is designed to team with the NS-F350 for a smooth, seamless surround sound field. …
新款上市: NS-350音箱系列 雅致外观+高品质的音质-雅马哈中国
雅马哈新推出NS-350 音箱系列,采用了全新的结构,每一个声道都配有全新的高音单元和PMD 圆锥形低音单元,细致入微的声音,平滑流畅的环绕效果。 让您全面享受5.1 声道AV 源中音频 …
NS-P350 - Specs - Speaker Systems - Yamaha Corporation
Producing finely detailed sound, this speaker package including a centre and two surround speakers is designed to team with the NS-F350 for a smooth, seamless surround sound field. …
NS-P350 - Overview - Speaker Systems - Audio & Visual
Producing finely detailed sound, this speaker package including a centre and two surround speakers is designed to team with the NS-F350 for a smooth, seamless surround sound field. …
NS-P350 - Specs - Yamaha - Other European Countries
Producing finely detailed sound, this speaker package including a centre and two surround speakers is designed to team with the NS-F350 for a smooth, seamless surround sound field. …