The normalized slope conductance as a tool for quantitative …
2022年4月19日 · In this study, we show that the normalized slope conductance (NSC) is appropriate to quantify IV curves of transient receptor potential classical (TRPC) channels. TRPC channel activators and modulators evoke different NSC progressions, pointing to distinguishable active channel states.
(PDF) The normalized slope conductance as a tool for quantitative ...
2022年3月1日 · We use the example of the transient receptor potential classical (TRPC) channel family to elucidate whether the normalized slope conductance (NSC) is an appropriate tool for a reliable...
Compressive behavior of ultra-high-performance-normal
2023年6月1日 · This study proposed a reinforced UHPC-NSC composite column with a longitudinal groove contact surface to improve the ultimate capacity, durability, and axial load-induced crack resistance of the NSC column while optimizing the UHPC.
Experimental investigation on UHPC-NSC composite beams
2024年2月1日 · A hybrid beam composed of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and normal strength concrete (NSC), is experimentally evaluated. The layout optimizes cost and performance by placing the UHPC full-depth section at mid-span of the hybrid beam.
Behaviour of concrete beams under torsion: NSC plain and
2007年10月19日 · The objective of this study is to develop a computational procedure, a simple algorithm, to predict the behaviour of plain and hollow beams under torsion. The behaviour of beams under torsion is modelled by means of T (Torque)—θ (Twist) curves. The theoretical prediction to the actual behaviour is developed for 3 phases that results from ...
Photoswitchable TRPC6 channel activators evoke distinct channel ...
At positive potentials, the NSC curves mainly differed at potentials between 0 and +10 mV and around +20 mV. The NSC curve progressions of the cis -PhoDAG-induced currents compared to the OAG-induced currents also mainly differed at negative potentials.
Stress-Strain Relationship of NSC and UHPC - ResearchGate
The confined stressstrain curve is implemented by multi-linear curve in DIANA and a brittle behavior curve is assigned for the tensile stress-strain relationship of NSC as shown in Figure 3...
1. Briefly describe what the NSC dand L curves mean. 2. For points a, b, and c, explain in economic terms why each point is not an equilibrium. (Do not just say “it’s not on the NSC curve.”) 3. On the graph, identify the equilibrium levels of employment and unemployment.
The normalized slope conductance as a tool for quantitative …
In this study, we show that the normalized slope conductance (NSC) is appropriate to quantify IV curves of transient receptor potential classical (TRPC) channels. TRPC channel activators and modulators evoke different NSC progressions, pointing to distinguishable active channel states.
High Strength Concrete Columns: A Design Guide
Furthermore, CSTR495 indicates that the use of NSC stress–strain curves with HSC could be unsafe. Fig 4 shows that the stress–strain curve changes from parabolic–rectangular at low concrete strengths to approximately triangular at grade 100/120 and above.