Non-specific esterase - Pathology Student
There are several different cytochemical stains that are commonly used in hematopathology, one of which is the non-specific esterase (or NSE) stain. Monocytes and their precursors (promonoblasts and monoblasts) stain a pretty red color with this stain.
Butyrate Esterase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase, also known as nonspecific esterase (NSE), is a monocytic marker (Fig. 18.10 A). This stain is helpful in distinguishing acute leukemias with monocytic differentiation, as well as histiocytic lesions. However, lymphoblasts, erythroblasts, and megakaryoblasts may also show a few punctuate cytoplasmic-positive ...
Special Stains in the Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia
2000年3月1日 · Special stains are used in the evaluation of bone marrow specimens to augment Wright-Giemsa preparations. This article details the common cytochemical stains available, and discusses their clinical use as indicators of hematopoietic lineage.
1981年1月1日 · Nonspecific esterase-staining mononuclear phagocytes are easily distinguished due to the red or reddish brown staining pattern produced in esterase-positive cells. Cells that do not have nonspecific esterase activity appear unstained.
Cytochemical Staining - SpringerLink
2017年7月23日 · NSE stain is strongest in monocytes, macrophages, megakaryocytes, and platelets. Weak activity is present in granulocytes and T lymphocytes (see Note 8). Activity in monocytes and macrophages is completely inhibited by sodium fluoride, while stain is retained, though diminished in intensity, in granulocytes and megakaryocytes. 3.5 Acid Phosphatase
2018年7月16日 · The periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain indicates the presence of intracellular glycogen and neutral mucopolysaccharides. Cells of many series are positive for PAS, however the staining pattern differs. Erythroleukemias ie AML M6 blasts show an intense diffuse cytoplasmic positivity with PAS, while lymphoblasts show block positivity.
非特异性酯酶染色(nonspecific esterase stain) - MediX
1.非特异性酯酶又称单核细胞酯酶, 主要存在于单核细胞和组织细胞内, 正常单核细胞细胞各阶段均成阳性, 且可被氟化钠抑制。 2.急性粒细胞白血病可呈阳性或弱阳性, 急性早幼粒细胞白血病细胞呈强阳性, 但不被氟化钠抑制。 3.急性淋巴细胞白血病一般为阴性。
NSE Stain Test - Test Results, Normal Range, Cost And More
One of the most commonly used cytochemical stains is the NSE stain or the non-specific esterase stain. Bone Marrow NSE Stain test is performed on a sample of bone marrow to measure the level of Bone Marrow Pathology in the bone marrow and also to detect conditions arising from irregular results of this test such as Leukaemia and Lymphoma.
The diagnostic value of cytochemical staining for non-specific ... - PubMed
143 consecutive effusion samples were stained for non-specific esterase (NSE) in order to test the diagnostic value of the staining method with reference to the diagnosis of carcinosis in pleural and peritoneal cavities. On comparing the results obtained by …
LeukoGnost NSE - Biognost
LeukoGnost NSE kit contains reagents for cytochemical diagnosis of leukemia using bone marrow or whole blood smears. The staining method is based on the ability of cellular esterase to hydrolize 1-naphthyl acetate. The reaction releases free naphthol that binds to diazonium salts to give a red-brown precipitate at the reaction site.