1348-1A Help - Defense Logistics Agency
How do I properly fill out a DD Form 1348-1A? The DD Form 1348-1A the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned in, and is an important record for auditability.
Scrap Metal - Defense Logistics Agency
Scrap is defined as material that has no value except for its basic material content. If property is recognizable as an end use item, it is probably not scrap. If the item has a valid NSN the item must be turned in as an item and NOT as scrap. The turn-in document (DD Form 1348-1A) for scrap will include: Click within a card below to access forms.
LSNs - Defense Logistics Agency
The DD Form 1348-1A the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned in, and is an important record for auditability. Learn how to complete a DDForm-1348-1A .
Block 4 will read OT Issue when ammunition is being issued. For block 25, input the NSN if on hand. If not on hand leave blank. For block 26, input lot number of ammunition. Example:...
DD Form 1348-6 DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document The DD Form 1348-6 must be completed in full by the ordering activity. An agency’s finance and accounting office should be the first reference for any funding questions. For more …
(NSN, FSCM/Part No., Other) FSCM PART NUMBER UNIT OF ISSUE QUANTITY DOCUMENT NUMBER S E R V REQUISITIONER DOCUMENT NO. (Cont.) ... DD Form 1348-6, FEB 85 Edition of Apr 77 may be used until exhausted. F O L D L I N E F O L D L I N E. Title: DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual - …
DD Form 1348, Single Line-Item Requisition - armyproperty.com
DD Form 1348, Single Line-Item Requisition. Also see our list of Commonly Used DA and DD Forms and our Complete Listing of DA Forms. Click here to download DD-1348 in .fpk format. --Be advised, this form will only work if you have FormFlow installed on your computer. (Your web browser may stop to ask you if you wish to download this form.
title: dd form 1348-6, "dod single line item requisition system document (manual - long form)" created date: 5/9/2024 5:12:07 pm
(2) A valid NSN and noun name as cataloged in the supply system, or LSN/FSC and chemical name of hazardous components, if the waste is not identified by NSN (for DD 1348-1A). (3) MILSBILLS fund code (position 52-53 of the DD 1348-1A).
7540-01-283-8662 Printed Form | DOD Parts
3 part computer paper, white bond ocr, used to print issue release/receipt document (such as dd form 1348-1) crimp both sides, and firm glued left side