9M113 Konkurs - Wikipedia
Development began with the aim of producing the next generation of SACLOS anti-tank missiles, for use in both the man-portable role and the tank destroyer role. The 9M113 Konkurs was developed alongside the 9M111; the missiles use similar technology, differing only in size.
9M113比赛反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M113比赛是 9K111大管 (英语:9K111 Fagot) 的衍生发展型号,具有更强的火力,可以使用相同的发射器,并且在外观上非常相似,只能通过9M113导弹管末端的轻微凸起来区分。 9M113比赛由 俄联邦仪器设计局 开发。 开发工作的目标是生产下一代 SACLOS 反坦克导弹,既可用于单兵携带,也可用于坦克歼击车。 9M113比赛是与 9K111 (英语:9K111 Fagot) 一起开发的,二者使用相似的技术,只是尺寸不同。 最初的9M113采用单装药弹头,可击穿600毫米的 轧压均 …
9K113 Konkurs antitank missile system - Missilery.info
The 9K113 Konkurs self-propelled anti-tank system is designed to defeat modern armored targets at a distance of up to 4 km. It forms the basis of anti-tank means of regimental level and is used in cooperation with portable complexes of battalion anti-tank units.
次时代反坦克导弹——苏联第二代反坦克导弹大全 - 知乎
2019年5月18日 · 9K113"风暴-V"最大的特点,就是其可以进行超音速飞行,对导弹而言,更快的飞行速度意味着在远距离上对移动目标更小的修正距离,进而提高导弹远距离的命中率。
俄罗斯装备志——9M113反坦克导弹 - 知乎
2022年10月1日 · 9M113竞赛反坦克导弹,北约称为AT-5拱肩为苏联图拉设计局研制的第二代反坦克导弹,目前主要为俄罗斯制造,现对于能够单兵携带的反坦克火箭筒,竞赛体型较大,而且需要发射架,所以应该属于重型反坦克导弹。 9M113…
9K113 Konkurs | Weaponsystems.net
The 9K113 system fires the 9M113 Konkurs missile that is fitted with the 9N131 HEAT warhead. This offers a penetration of 750 to 800mm RHA without explosive reactive armor (ERA).
【翻译】9M113“竞赛”导弹介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
9M113“竞赛”导弹(北约代号:AT-5“拱肩”)是一种苏联的反坦克导弹。 这是一种远程遥控的反坦克武器,与之前的AT-4“塞子”非常相似。 此外,它与MILAN导弹的“兄弟”,HOT导弹有直接的对应关系。 该导弹被设计用于攻击配备爆炸反应装甲(ERA)防护的移动和固定装甲目标。 竞赛-M导弹系统可以由装甲轮式和履带式车辆携带。 9P135M1发射器可配备用于夜间或低能见度条件的热成像仪。 当安装重量为9.6千克的热成像仪时,它可以和远至2500米的目标交战。 该发射器设 …
The Weapons’ Repository - 9M113 Konkurs
The 9K113 Konkurs (NATO code AT-5 Spandrel) is Russian-made Semi-automatic command to line of sight wire-guided anti-tank missile. The missile was designed and developed by the Russian Defense Company KBP (Konstruktorskoe Buro Priborostroeniya); it was introduced in the Russian army in 1977.
9K113 Konkurs | Weaponsystems.net
The 9K113 Konkurs is an anti-tank missile of Soviet origin. It was developed at the same time as the smaller 9K111 Fagot and features a similar design. The 9K113 uses a larger and longer missile that is much more powerful and has twice the range of the smaller 9M111.
Introduction to the 9M113 Konkurs ATGM - Armament Research
Numerous western sources refer to the 9P135 with 9M113 missiles as the 9K113. However, this designation actually refers to another ATGW, the 9K113 Shturm-V (‘Storm’; NATO: AT-6 Spiral) and its 9M114 missile.
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