NXAMP4x4 uses advanced custom components based power amplifier design, the ultimate evolution of the Yamaha’s EEEngine technology, offering the sonic purity of conventional class AB but a heat dissipation equaling the class D.
NXAMPは高性能DSPを搭載したコントローラーと最先端のパワーアンプ技術の融合です。 DSPの画期的な技術革新により、複数のデジタルセンスラインが作動しアンプとそれに接続するスピーカーを同時に保護します。
NXAMP4x4 具备实用的功能,例如完全无需计算机的前面板操作,每个输出中都可选择独立的动态扬声器,或通过 GPIO 或 Ethersound™/AES/EBU/Dante™ 网络进行负载监测,以实现安全安装,非常适用于各种要求苛刻的应用。
NXAMP - Overview - Power Amplifiers - Professional Audio
NXAMP is the complete integration of newly-developed high capability DSP processor and state-of-the-art power amplifier technology. NXAMP has higher DSP capability than NX242 and is compatible with all NEXO speakers.
NXAMP4x1采用基于高级定制元件的功率放大器设计,是雅马哈EEEngine技术的最终演变,提供传统AB类的声波纯度,但散热等于D级。 不仅两个双核DSP都在照顾放大器保护和优化,而且还将NEXO专有扬声器管理技术的处理标准重新定义为更高的声音性能和可靠性水平。 具有诸如全无计算机前面板操作等实用功能,可根据输出选择或负载监控通过GPIO或Ethersound™/ AES / EBU / Dante™网络进行安全安装,NXAMP4x1适用于各种要求苛刻的应用. 最大。 输出电压(无负 …
力素 NEXO NXAMP 4X1 4通道600w数字功放_环球音响网
一种突破性高功率放大器,适用于固定安装及流动演出用途。 NXAMP的科技含量比一套功放加处理器复杂得多,是经过两年多于DSP科研的成果,使用多重的电压、电流、温度感应线于功放的输出端去保护功放与供电器。 NXAMP的优点:
Nexamp - We're Building the Future of Clean Energy
We’re tapping into a natural source of energy and powering communities and businesses across the country. No panels, no upfront cost, savings for everyone. How Many Watts Does a …
NXAMP - Features - Power Amplifiers - Professional Audio
NXAMP is the complete integration of newly-developed high capability DSP processor and state-of-the-art power amplifier technology. NXAMP has higher DSP capability than NX242 and is compatible with all NEXO speakers. NXAMP monitors power voltage and currency of amplifier outputs, drives the whole system safely and maximizes speaker capability.
Software/Firmware – NEXO
A complete System Management and Remote Control solution for networked NEXO Powered TD Controllers (NXAMP) and Digital TD Controllers (DTD). Windows, macOS and iOS.
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NXAMP 4x4 is among the industry’s most powerful amplifiers. Cost effective integration of command, control, protection and amplification of all NEXO loudspeaker systems. Lighter and requires less rack space than conventional amplifier-processor systems. Eliminates unnecessary A/D conversion. Optional EtherSound Networking.