RFID / NFC - NXP Semiconductors
Enable wireless charging capabilities for small, battery-powered devices with power levels of up to 500 mW. Broad portfolio of NFC frontend and NFC controller solutions to target a wide set of …
UCODE RAIN RFID 高性能标签芯片加速了物联网的发展,将数十亿日常物品连接到云端。 提高读取敏感度和快速编程功能,改善供应链可视化和库存管理,从而满足大容量市场的需求。 将 …
NFC Antenna Design Tool | Antenna Design Hub | NXP ... - NXP …
Explore the hub and download the Antenna Design Tool for faster antenna tuning and matching. It has a simple GUI to make it very easy to start designing and simulating antennas and it works …
ICODE 3: High-performance HF tag IC for IOT | NXP Semiconductors
2024年3月20日 · Wherever RFID tags need to work at both vicinity and close range, ICODE 3 delivers boosted RF performance and reading speed while in manufacturing and supply chain, …
ICODE 3:高性能HF标签集成电路,适用于物联网。 - NXP
icode 3专为rfid需要高效覆盖近距离及远距离的应用场景设计。 它不仅能为制造和供应链提供卓越的射频性能和快速的读取速度,而且在最终用户使用时,其扩展的NFC功能能够提升用户体验 …
UCODE 8/8m | NXP 半导体
UCODE 8/8m offer high performance and features for use in the most demanding RFID tagging applications. Particularly well suited for inventory management applications, like e.g Retail and …
RFID / NFC | NXP Semiconductors
NXPの HITAG 製品は、高い信頼性、堅実な性能、安全なデータ伝送を実現しており、低周波数 (LF) RFID市場をサポートしています。 RFID/NFCに関するさまざまなトレーニングをご紹介 …
UCODE 9xe | NXP Semiconductors
Designed as a drop-in replacement for the high-performance UCODE 9, the UCODE 9xe offers the same feature set, RF performance and compatibility with Auburn ARC-certified antennas …
ucode rain rfidは、サプライチェーンやロジスティクス・アプリケーションにおいて、高い衝突防止率、広い検知範囲、ブランドの保護を実現し、高速動作を可能にします。
NFC TagWriter App by NXP
The NFC TagWriter app by NXP allows writing tags, enabling users to store contacts, bookmarks, pair with Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth®, enable hotspots, send text messages and much more all with …