Nyr Dyv - Great Library of Greyhawk
The Nyr Dyv, also known as the "Lake of Unknown Depths," is a freshwater lake in the Flanaess in the World of Greyhawk ™. Centrally located in the Flanaess, the Nyr Dyv is the largest known body of fresh water known to the people of that region of Oerik.
Nyr Dyv - Greyhawk Wiki
Jan 1, 2009 · The Nyr Dyv, also known as the "Lake of Unknown Depths," is a fresh water lake in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting. Centrally located in the Flanaess, the Nyr Dyv is the largest known body of fresh water known to the people of that region of Oerik.
Nyr Dyv | Greyhawk Fanon Wiki - Fandom
The Nyr Dyv, or "Lake of Unknown Depths," is the largest freshwater lake known to the people of the Flanaess. Civilization has turned it into a veritable highway of trade, with vessels using several navigable inlets (Artonsamay, Veng, Velverdyva) and outlets (Nesser and the Selintan).
The City in the Lake of Unknown Depths - Blogger
Dec 8, 2016 · "The Nyr Dyv is also well known for the monsters which inhabit its waters. Deep beneath the surface lurk huge creatures which prey upon unwary sailors or anyone so unlucky as to fall into the water. Warcraft, and occasionally merchants or bargees will bring back such monsters as trophies, as constant warfare upon these creatures is necessary to ...
Nyr Dyv (Lake of Unknown Depths) - 1eonline.info
Nyr Dyv is well known for the monsters which inhabit its waters. Deep beneath the surface lurk huge creatures which prey upon unwary sailors or anyone so unlucky as to fall into the water. Warcraft, and occasionally merchants or bargees, will bring such monsters back as trophies, as constant warfare upon these creatures is necessary to make the ...
The Nyr Dyv: The Majestic Lake of Greyhawk – Pathfinder2e.org
In the storied lands of Oerth, the world on which the Greyhawk campaign setting is based, the Nyr Dyv stands out as one of the most majestic and historically rich bodies of water. Often referred to as the “Lake of Unknown Depths,” this vast freshwater lake is a central feature of the Flanaess and holds many secrets in its depths.
Greyhawkery: The Lake of Unknown Depths - Blogger
Nyr Dyv is a busy waterway connecting many rivers and nations, and it is also known for monsters that lurk in the deeps waiting to prey on ships. But how deep is the Lake of Unknown Depths? Gygax wisely provided us with some data in the Darlene hex maps.
The Rhennee in Greyhawk | World Anvil
Jul 30, 2023 · The majority of Rhennee reside in the central Flanaess, remaining close to the Nyr Dyv which serves as a central focus for these people. Most other races of the Flanaess often consider the entire race of Rhennee as criminals and thieves.
Greyhawkery: Greyhawk Map: Nyr Dyv Ship Wrecks - Blogger
Today I'm promoting cartographer Ronald Calbick and his inspiring Nyr Dyv shipwreck map. All I can say is wow, what a clever idea for a map that has been covered in many many official sources, yet still is largely undeveloped.
Greyhawkery: Western Nyr Dyv - Blogger
Situated on the fertile plains between Whyestil Lake and the Nyr Dyv, this rich nation is known for its dual navies and the formidable Knights of the Hart whom defend their borders, if not all the Flanaess, from the advance of evil.