Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Materials | NYU School of Law
Out-of-state CLE: NYU School of Law is an accredited provider of CLE in New York State. If you are seeking CLE credit for a different state, we recommend you consult with your state’s CLE …
Continuing Legal Education Credit | NYU School of Law
NYU School of Law offers a variety of CLE programs and workshops throughout the year, including online CLE courses. Students in summer courses at NYU Law may request New …
Alumni Events | NYU School of Law
Listen to podcasts from our faculty and centers, watch videos, and read about faculty scholarship that is shaping opinion on today's most important legal issues. Visit our new Events and Ideas …
CLE Home Page | NYCOURTS.GOV - Judiciary of New York
New York State's Continuing Legal Education program, which was implemented through the collaborative efforts of the bench and the bar, seeks to enhance the New York Bar's proud …
Finance and Taxation Conferences | NYU SPS - New York University
continuing legal education for new york attorneys (cle) The NYU School of Professional Studies has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited …
CLE & Events - New York City Bar Association
The City Bar Center for CLE offers more than 150 live and live-webcast CLE programs and institutes every year, most of which are also available on-demand. We are committed to …
CLE Programs - New York State Bar Association
CLE Programs. The CLE Board has extended the deadline for the COVID-19 related format restriction changes applicable to newly admitted attorneys and the approval of all Accredited …
New York CLE Requirements - New York State Bar Association
Newly admitted attorneys must earn a total of 32 CLE credit hours (with 16 credit hours each year) in the newly admitted cycle as follows: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection …
Submit Your Request | NYU School of Law - New York University …
The CLE Board views your event as an educational course for attorneys. As such, they require a timed agenda (the course syllabus) and written materials (the course textbook).
New York CLE Requirements and Courses - American Bar Association
Meet your New York continuing legal education requirements with online and in-person courses from the ABA and stay current on MCLE rule changes.