Home | New Zealand Business Number
Each New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is unique. Get yours to give customers and suppliers confidence, and to easily share your details when they change. Free for every Kiwi business, from sole traders to major corporations. Explore the benefits. Identify branches, departments or locations with unique numbers known as Organisation Parts.
NZBN and the Companies Register
What’s the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)? A New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a globally unique identifier, available to all Kiwi businesses. Registered companies have been allocated NZBNs and are automatically included on the NZBN Register. You can find your NZBN on the Companies Register or by searching at nzbn.govt.nz.
New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) - Companies Office
The NZBN is a globally unique identifier available to all businesses in New Zealand. The NZBN helps them to better connect and interact, through a shared network of information. That’s because the NZBN links to core business information …
Applying for an NZBN | New Zealand Business Number
If you’re self-employed (a sole trader), a partnership or trust, and you're currently in business in New Zealand, you're eligible to apply for an NZBN. A business can be non-profit and can also be carried out free-of-charge.
About the NZBN - New Zealand Business Number
The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a globally unique identifier, available to every Kiwi business. Whether you’re self-employed or a major corporation, there’s an NZBN for you. Your NZBN makes doing business faster and easier because it links to your core business information (known as Primary Business Data ).
什么是NZBN?什么样的实体可以申请NZBN? - 看新西兰
2020年4月22日 · 而如果你直接注册一个“有限公司”或者是“公司”的话,就一定会自动得到一个 nzbn 号码的。 NZBN 的口号是 More business, Less work,这与新西兰人富有创业精神的理念一样不谋而合,它的官方网站是 https://www.nzbn.govt.nz
新西兰商业号码 NZBN
在新西兰成功注册的公司,都会拥有一个唯一的NZBN 号码,这就是新西兰的商业号码。它的英文全称是 New Zealand Business Number,简写为 NZBN,这是新西兰的企业在新西兰内部和全世界识别唯一性的一个最有效的方式。
The New Zealand Business Number | Ministry of Business, …
We administer the New Zealand Business Number which is a free, globally unique identifier that makes it faster and easier for businesses to connect and interact. The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is transforming the way New Zealanders do business. An NZBN is available to all New Zealand businesses.
New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) - GS1 NZ
What is the NZBN? The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a unique 13 digit identifier for all New Zealand businesses, including companies, sole traders, partnerships, registered charities, trusts and government agencies. The NZBN is a GS1 standard issued by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to help businesses better ...
NZBN是什么?如何使用? - Premium Accounting Solution
如何使用nzbn? 您可以将 NZBN 添加到公司的发票、收据、电子邮件签名和信笺上,以方便对方查看您的公司信息。 您还可以设置一个 NZBN watchlist,其中添加常合作的客户和供应商,以随时了解他们的业务信息。
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