IPH SERIES IP PUMP IPH Series IP Pump 3.6 to 125.9cm3/rev 30MPa This is a new design series in which all pump types are installation compatible with previous designs. Note, however, that there is no longer compatibility for some of the seal components between the IPH-3 and IPH-4 sizes and design numbers 10 and 12. Features
新デザインシリーズで、全てのタイプで旧デザインと取付互換性はあります。ただし、iph-3/4サイズでは10/12 デザインとは一部シール部品関係の互換性がなくなっています。
A modified involute short tooth gear enables internal gearing for greatly reduced pulsation and noise, and exceptionally quiet operation. Elastic bearings allows a movement that expand the life time and reduce wearout. Max. Operating Pressure*2. Max. Revolution Speed. Note: The information contained in this brochure is protected by copyright.
IPH系列 - 泵 - 液压 - nachi不二越(中国)官方网站
IPH系列 IP泵. 通过采用专利的轴向及径向压力载荷方式,高效率地产生30MPa {306kgf / cm2}的高压。 优异的耐久性,极长的使用寿命。 由于通过修正渐开线短齿齿轮进行内啮合,大幅降低了震动和噪音,运转时非常安静。 结构简单便于保养维修。
Nachi Hydraulics Catalog - Gear Pumps: IPH Series IP Pumps - Nachi …
The IPH Series IP Pump is a high-efficiency patented axial and radial pressure loading system that offers outstanding durability and very long life. A modified involute short-tooth gear enables internal gearing for reduced pulsation and exceptionally quiet operation.
泵 - 液压 - nachi不二越(中国)官方网站
•可和本公司的内接齿轮泵iph系列连接为双联泵。 ... > 泵 > 液压泵站. 不二越(中国)有限公司 中国总部. nachi-fujikoshi(china)co.,ltd. 上海市青浦区诸光路1988号国家会展中心a座5层 ...
Nachi Hydraulics Catalog - Hydraulic Pumps: IPH Series Double IP …
The IPH Series Double IP Pump, configured with the High-Pressure Low Noise IPH Series and IP Pump, greatly expands the range of application for the IP Pump. A wide selection of pump combinations provide options that are perfect for just about any type of application.
IPH-2A-3.5-T-11 - Nachi America
The IPH Series IP Pump is a high-efficiency patented axial and radial pressure loading system that offers outstanding durability and very long life. A modified involute short-tooth gear enables internal gearing for reduced pulsation and exceptionally quiet operation.
不二越齿轮泵系列 - NACHI不二越液压油泵 - szversen.com
不二越iph型齿轮泵特点: 1. 使高压,低噪音的iph系列ip泵成为双联泵,可以进一步扩大ip泵的使用范围。 2. 泵的组合有很多形式,可以按用途来选择最佳组合。 iph型双联齿轮泵型号说明及参数:
21MPaで使用した場合の値です。なお、各形式の最大容量の組み合わせとは、例えば、IPH-22Bの場合はIPH-22B-8-8-11であり、IPH-46Bの場合はIP. H-46B-32-125-11のことを示します。(*6Bの6形ポンプ容量. ァベット順にご記�. (C-10ペ .