NAD 2600: PO'd!!!! | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2007年1月30日 · I paid $281.00 last week for a NAD 2600 to run in bridged mode with a NAD 7600 Receiver. It arrived yesterday. It was double boxed, but the Seller used "air pillows". The net result was that the faceplate got shifted to the right, the …
NAD 2X00 power amp polarity flip - Audiokarma Home Audio …
2013年1月2日 · Dunno about the 2600 but my 2200 has one channel deliberately flipped so that there's even suckout from the power supply caps - this is a NAD design. They then flip the channel back at the output but that output is reversed so that the plus side is grounded.
What amp can you buy for $300 that can better a NAD 2600?
2020年11月9日 · The 2600 and subsequent 2700THX are both nice amplifiers capable of big power. I bought a 2700THX new and used it to drive 18” subwoofers in the 90s - paid like $349 for it. Long gone but I’ve owned a 218THX for about ten years now - again, subwoofer duty. The Proton D1200 can be had for $300 or so if you’re patient.
Dying to share... | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2011年5月9日 · Well, against better judgement, I bought a NAD 2600 amp from eBay yesterday. It was described as "untested, but powers up." He didn't have anything to...
NAD Owner's - Unite | Page 8 | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2015年6月4日 · My NAD 218 THX's effortlessly driving the Magnepan 3.6/R speakers. The 218's are absolutely limitless in the low octaves, also noticed by Robert J. Reina of Stereophile when these amps where reviewed may 2004 (worth a read) These amps are also totally noise free.
NAD 2600/1700 vs Luxman R-117 - audiokarma.org
2015年3月18日 · 2600 Power Amp & 1700 Pre-Amp/Tuner. Would the NAD prove a better combination vs my Luxman or am I wasting my money? The R-117 drives a pair of K-Horns & Chorus II's.
My quest for a new amp has ended! - audiokarma.org
2013年3月16日 · I have been aggressively looking for a new amp to replace my NAD 2600 for a couple of months now. I looked at adcoms, B&K's, PS audio, luxman, threshold, classe, and forte amps and passed over various models. I've read countless reviews, forum posts, and went for listening sessions in stores...
NAD mods - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
2014年5月19日 · Here are some of the mods for my 2200. I think they'll be the same numbers as the 2600. Left,Right Channel ------------------ C101,102 0.82uF polycarbonate C103,104 0.82uF polycarbonate C105,106 2.2nF polystyrene C107,108 1nF polystyrene C109,110 replace with short if servo, else shunt with 2uF polypropylene C111,112 10uF tantalum C113,114 10uF ...
NAD 7600: Come Home To Papa - audiokarma.org
2006年11月10日 · In about 20 years from now, I bet that NAD stuff will really be worth something. the 7600 and 1700/2600 are both built like tanks , which is sort of surprising though--Ive heard nad's cdp's sound good but they are built like crap.:sigh:
What NAD Amplifier to get? - audiokarma.org
2016年7月3日 · For sure!, I've been running (1) 2600 for years, and has been exceptional, I recently bought an ADCOM 545ii , Running it stereo on my CVegas Dx7s and Klipsch Chorus 2s, it sounds great, lots of head room, but my NAD 2600 hits a little harder on bass notes and slightly better imaging, with slightly less head room than the ADCOM ,I might sell the ...