Nadir - Wikipedia
The nadir [a] [b] is the direction pointing directly below a particular location; that is, it is one of two vertical directions at a specified location, orthogonal to a horizontal flat surface. The direction opposite of the nadir is the zenith .
纳迪尔 - 华文百科
Nadir图像 是 垂直 拍摄的 卫星图像 或地球的 空中照片。 卫星 地面轨道 代表其投影到Nadir到地球表面的轨道。 通常,在医学中, Nadir 用于表明临床症状(例如发烧模式)或实验室计数的最低点的进展。 在 肿瘤学 中,Nadir一词用于表示患者正在接受 化学疗法 时的血细胞计数水平最低。 化学疗法后的中性粒细胞减少症的诊断通常持续7-10天。 这个词也被形像地用来意味着一个低点,例如以人的 精神,活动或职业的质量或 美国种族关系的纳迪尔。 Nadir是指向特定位置下方的 …
科学网—雷达入射角和视角(天底角) - 郝君明的博文
2017年6月30日 · 视角a look angle 是卫星视线向与卫星星下点方向的夹角。 天底角a off nadir angle是天线对应于最低点的倾角。 一般由于地表是弯曲的,入射角稍大于视角。 转载本文请联系原作者获取授权,同时请注明本文来自郝君明科学网博客。 入射角b incidence angle是入射光线与表面法向的夹角。 视角a look angle 是卫星视线向与卫星星下点方向的夹角。 天 ... ,科学网.
Nadir - Cosmology
Here's a deeper dive into the Nadir's significance: Navigation and Celestial Coordinates: The nadir plays a role in defining celestial coordinates, crucial for locating objects in the sky. It aids in establishing the celestial equator, the celestial poles, and other important references used for mapping the stars.
NADIR Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of NADIR is the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer. How to use nadir in a sentence. Nadir Has Arabic Roots
Nadir | Definition & Astronomy | Britannica
nadir, a term used in astronomy for the point in the heavens exactly opposite to the zenith, the zenith and nadir being the two poles of the horizon. That is, the zenith is directly overhead, the nadir directly underfoot.
nadir | MathGloss
Dually, a cone under $F$ with nadir $c$ is a natural transformation $\lambda : F \Rightarrow c$, whose legs are the components $(\lambda_j : F_j \to c){j \in \mathsf{J}}$. The naturality condition asserts that, for each morphism $f : j \to k$ of $\mathsf{J}$, the triangle $ \xymatrix@=10pt{ Fj \ar[dr] {\lambda_j} \ar[rr]^{Ff} & & Fk\ar[dl ...
Nadir - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In astronomy, the nadir is a point "below" a particular location. "Below" means in the same direction of gravity at that location. The nadir is the opposite of the zenith .
Nadir Angle - vCalc
Nadir Angle is the direction pointing directly below a particular location; that is, it is one of two vertical directions at a specified location, orthogonal to a horizontal flat surface there where Lambda must be between 0 and 90 degree
Nadir | COSMOS - Swinburne
The nadir is basically the anti-zenith – the point directly below the observer on the celestial sphere. It has an altitude of -90 o in the horizontal coordinate system.
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