Nagmachon - Wikipedia
Nagmachon is a heavily armoured infantry fighting vehicle fielded by the Israel Defense Forces. The Nagmachon evolved from the NagmaSho't armoured personnel carrier (APC), which in turn was based on Centurion tank Sho't hulls from the 1970s and 1980s.
Israel’s Weird Nagmachon Centurion APCs - Tank Historia
2023年11月11日 · Israel operates a number of freaky vehicles, many of which re-use the hulls older of older vehicles. One good example of this is the Nagmachon, a monstrous, extremely …
Nagmachon - Army Guide
The Nagmachon, like its predecessor the NagmaSho't, is a converted Sho't Kal hull, substituting the turret for a fixed superstructure. As the name implies, the belly is reinforced by at least two plates of steel armor for better protection against detonating belly-charges.
Nagmachon - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年5月11日 · Nagmachon is a heavily armoured armoured personnel carrier fielded by the Israel Defence Forces. The Nagmachon evolved from the NagmaSho't APC, which in turn was based on Centurion. It made its...
Nagmasho't heavy APC (1984) ()
The Nagmashot (Nagmasho't) is considered the world's first modern heavy Armored Personnel Carrier (HAPC). In 1982, the IDF command saw its fleet of Sho't Kal main battle tank ageing. …
Israel’s Heavy Armored Personnel Carriers - Defense Media …
Weighing 57.3 tons, with a crew of 12 (driver, commander and 10 passengers) and powered by an American 750 hp AVDS-1790-2AC diesel engine, Nagmash’ot (1983) was followed in quick succession by Nagmachon (mid-1980s) and Nakpadon (1990s) with advanced reactive armor and massive side-skirts.
载具科普:纳格马科恩装甲运兵车 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年7月26日 · 纳格马科恩(希伯来语:נגמ"חון,意为“增强型步兵战车”)是以色列国防军所装备的重型装甲运兵车。 类型 重型装甲运兵车. 原产地 以色列. 服役记录. 使用方 以色列. 基本规格. 重量 45,000千克(99,000磅) 长度 7.84米(25.7英尺) 宽度 3.38米(11.1英尺) 载员 4+8. 主武器 FN MAG通用机枪 (7.62×51mm NATO)或M2重机枪 (12.7×99mm NATO)或Mk19榴弹发射器 (40×53毫米榴弹)×2~4. 发动机 ADVS-1790 –2AC, 750 HP/559,5 kw at 2400 rpm. 悬挂 4×4 …
以色列重型装甲车——Achzarit - 知乎
不同于专门用于低烈度反恐治安战的Nagmashot等基于Shot坦克的重型装甲车,Achzarit是用于常规作战的装甲突击车。 大约有二百多辆Achzarit在IDF中服役。 虽然制造Achzarit的初衷是为了节约经费,但是最终的结果是算上研发费用,Achzarit的造价甚至超过了当时基于 梅卡瓦 的装甲车的造价。 每个Achzarit营通常包含36辆Achzarit和一辆Achzarit Pikud指挥车,以及4辆Nagmash Chatap(M113)保障车辆。 Achzarit Pikud指挥车没有OWS但是有明显的额外天线,很容易 …
Nagmachon - Israeli Weapons
Hence, it is named the "underbelly-protected APC" (Nagmachon). The Nagmachon has served for years as a vehicle for the Corps of Engineers in the Southern Lebanon action area. In the 90s, when the Puma came into use (a combat engineering obstruction navigating vehicle), the Nagmachon's purpose was changed to that of a troop transport for infantry.
以色列的巷战利器,“NAG”系列重装甲步战车 - 百家号
2023年10月12日 · 纳格马肖特的动力系统沿用了“百夫长”的AVDS-1790-2A柴油V12发动机和艾利森CD850-6变速器组成,发动机转速为2400 rpm,功率为750马力,有两个前进档和一个倒档。 这使得纳格马肖特在动力方面具备了较强的表现力。 然而,由于步兵上下车非常不方便,这款坦克在后续的使用中逐渐被升级改造或转给工程部队作为工程车使用。 而真正适合城市战斗的版本,就是“纳格玛科恩”。 “纳格玛科恩”作为“纳格马肖特”的改进型号,主要在装甲防护上进行了加强。 …