Nagra 300i and 300p - Nagra
With a bandwidth ranging from 14 Hz to 56 kHz and a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 105 dB, the Nagra 300i and 300p have nothing to envy from the best transistor electronics available today. However figures are just one aspect: it is while listening that these units reveal the rest.
Nagra's 300B Amplifier - Stereophile.com
2010年1月13日 · The integrated features four 300B output tubes—two each per channel in push-pull—and will put out 20Wpc. The Stereophile crew all listened to the 300B with Verity loudspeakers on a wide range of music.
Nagra Archives 21/30 – Nagra 300i and 300p!
The integrated Nagra 300i and 300p power amplifier are not only a homage to one of the most mythical components in audio history, but is also Nagras’ way of underlining its attachment to his timeless creation on the occasion of its 60th anniversary year. Like the “King of tubes”, Nagra equipment benefits from a range of time defying quali-
Since its inception in 1951, Nagra builds products that continue to earn a reputation for delivering ultimate sonic performance. Numerous awards have been bestowed upon Nagra for its technical innovation, excellence in design and flawless construction including three …
瑞士 南瓜 Nagra 300i 合并胆功放300B电子管之王 - 搜狐
2024年5月26日 · 南瓜Nagra 的 300i 每通道采用一对斯洛伐克 JJ Electronic 300B,采用推挽式配置,每侧产生20W的实用功率。 与具有点对点接线和零反馈等功能的全电子管单端(低功耗)设计截然不同,300i在其驱动级、电路监控和诊断以及微处理器控制的输入选择和体积/平衡电路中 ...
超越300B的固有美态 评NAGRA 300B电子管合并式功放
2012年11月15日 · 为纪念NAGRA建厂60周年, 五年前NAGRA的工程师就决定推出一台使用300B管的纪念机型, 以将300B的美态发挥到极致。 现在,这台机器终于出现在我们的面前,它就是NAGRA 300I。 300I仍是延续NAGRA一贯的外观设计,不过变压器的形状很特别,在我印象中是首次见到这种式样。 300I合并式功放以NAGRA的精密性和稳定性为基础,采用毫不妥协的设计与元器件。 它以场效应管做驱动级,每声道采用了两只300B管作A类推挽放大,功率 …
View and Download Nagra 300 Series instruction manual online. Ultimate 300B amplifiers. 300 Series amplifier pdf manual download. Also for: 300i, 300p.
Nagra 300B amplifier - Stereophile.com
2011年4月7日 · Here's a glamor shot of the Nagra 300B stereo amplifier in the Verity-Nagra room, this sample being one of the first production units. The integrated features four 300B output tubes—two each per channel in push-pull—and will put out 20Wpc.
Which 300b amplifier: Nagra 300p, Luxman MQ-300, Wavac EC-300B…
2019年4月17日 · These are the four candidates so far: Nagra 300p, Luxman MQ-300, Wavac EC-300B, Air Tight ATM-300R, Shindo Cortese 300b
I sold my Nagra ultimate 300b amplifier. Why?! - PART 1 - Substack
2024年2月21日 · The quest, covered in previous posts, led me to the Nagra 300p power amplifier; or as the company calls it — the Ultimate 300b amplifier. This amplifier, built like a Swiss watch, has an heirloom quality about it and I intended to keep it forever — something I could bequeath to the next generation.