Nagra MSA - Nagra
The Nagra MSA stereo amplifier, offers a power output of 60 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. A value that shows its true dimension under real operating situations, because the manner in which the power is delivered is the most important. Thanks to its active feedback power supply and its unprecedented conception of the output stages, the Nagra MSA behaves flawlessly under all circumstances ...
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
The Nagra Kudelski Group today is run by Stefan's son Andrzej and divided into two branches, Nagravision and Nagraaudio. The latter divides into professional and hi-end audio. The new MSA amplifier represents the hi-end. Its abbreviation stands for Mosfet Stereo Amplifier. Its immediate predecessor was the famous pyramidal PSA of which I reviewed both stereo and mono versions. These were very ...
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
The Nagra MSA can thus be considered as an evolution of the MPA amplifiers and more recently the PSA and PMA pyramidal amplifiers. The global topology of the circuits is mostly the same, with some in-depth improvements affecting several specific aspects.
The Nagra MSA also lends itself to bi-amplified instal-lations; its two channels can in fact be decoupled by means of a simple switch. For installations that require a particularly high power output, a pair of Nagra MSA used in bridged mode delivers 120 watts per channel.
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
The MSA is a prime candidate for passive preamps (to accommodate multiple sources including analog) or source-direct operation (particularly with quality analog attenuation like Nagra's own CDC, the Ancient Audio decks or USB converters like Eastern Electric's MiniMax and Antelope Audio's Zodiac+).
瑞士Nagra/南瓜 MSA 立体声后级功放_Hi-Fi后级_中文音响_发烧音 …
Nagra早前推出一款全新功率放大器「MSA」,提供60 W x2的输出,同时也可以桥接之后输出单声道120瓦。 MSA的散热器相当特别,重3公斤的散热器成品,是以整块10公斤的铝块,在精密机床用3小时车出来的,同时散热器底部更被挖空,功率晶体管就直接安装在里面,提高散热效率。当我们对MSA进行拆解的 ...
後悔....沒有要求直接送貨-Nagra MSA - 兩聲道音響討論區
2014年4月11日 · 估唔到那麼重 後悔....沒有要求直接送貨-Nagra MSA ,Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部
评Nagra MSA后级功放 小而精的极致魅力 - @发烧音响 - 威虹音 …
2012年6月12日 · 工作类型:AB类输出功率:60W (8欧)频率响应: 评Nagra MSA后级功放 小而精的极致魅力 ,威虹音响家园
昂贵是它唯一的缺点 解构Nagra全新后级MSA - hifidiy
Nagra早前推出一款全新功率放大器「MSA」,该款定位于高级市场,提供60 W x2的输出,同时也可以桥接之后输出单声道120瓦。
Nagra MSA Amplifier - TONEAudio MAGAZINE
Indeed, when I visited Nagra’s factory last summer, the MSA amplifier was in its final design stage. Prototypes sat on the table, along with another new amplifier that uses 300B vacuum tubes.