PL-P - Nagra
A highly precise, Nagra-made modulometer, identical to the legendary NAGRA IV-S, provides a multitude of functions through two coaxial, internal pointers representing the left and right channels. The Nagra modulometer is a true measurement device …
Nagra PL-P preamplifier Specifications - Stereophile.com
Description: Full-function, battery-powered tube preamplifier with transformer-coupled MC phono stage and headphone outputs. Tube complements: phono stage, one 12AT7/ECC81, one 12AX7/ECC83; line-stage, two 12AT7, four 12AX7. Power source: 8 D-size Nickel-Cadmium power cells, rechargeable via PLP-CCC3 AC power-supply unit.
Nagra PL-P preamplifier - Stereophile.com
1998年1月3日 · The PL-P weighs an almost chuckable 9 lbs; most visitors to our loft were driven to cuddle it. They all stroked the top cover and ogled the traditional Nagra "modulometer" that dominates the front panel. Being a Nagra, the PL-P is battery-powered, and …
干货 | 南瓜NAGRA几款前级的比较和评析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NAGRA第一款产品就是 PL-P 前级,其后又陆续出了PL-L, JAZZ,到现在的 Classic PRE ,今天就来详细的评析一下这几款经典产品的进化之路。 《当年的经典》 现今仍然被不少烧友视为神物。 PL-P. 首先PLP前级,作为南瓜的第一款HIFI产品,从1997年到2009年停产,在2000年代初期,PL-P和 mark levinson No.32L 两大名器被发烧友奉为参考前级。 很多人不清楚,这台前级就是为听LP来设计的! 所以名字才叫”play LP “,LP过来的信号先用升压牛升压再左边两只管放 …
That Was Then... Nagra PL-P review - What Hi-Fi?
2020年3月27日 · The Nagra PL-P is over two decades old and remains lovely to use, delivering a performance that can still compare to the best preamps available. If anything deserves legendary status we think this unit does.
nagra plp and pll 比較 - 兩聲道音響討論區 - Hiendy.com 影音俱 …
2013年7月4日 · The budget to upgrade power supply and silver dc cable, can enough upgrade plp. But after compare, pll is good per amp, plp cannot total replace performance to pll. 回復
[請教] Nagra Jazz 定 PL-P - Hiendy.com
2015年8月20日 · 本來已經決定買Nagra Jazz,點知有朋友話想賣部PL-P。 其實唔應該咁多心,但朋友話部PL-P啲聲差唔過Jazz,個錶頭又靚仔過Jazz又有headphone amp,再加多個超正Phono amp,個 ...
nagra plp 放大器 - 台式耳机系统 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2010年5月28日 · Excellent condition PL-P. All original paperwork and packaging. Full function tube pre-amp with battery power with excellent MC/MM phono section. Priced very fair and firm. No trades. Operates on 120v or 220/240v automatically. Wire transfer only on any international transactions...no exceptions. Interested? (Nagra PL-P)
The Nagra PL-P (Préamplificateur à Lampes - Phono) is designed to provide the highest quality of audio performance in an ultra-high resolution audio system, especially one with a competent vinyl LP playback source. The Nagra PL-P was created by an engineering team with over 45 years of experience in designing world-class
瑞士 南瓜 NAGRA PL-P 真空管前置放大器 - 搜狐
2022年11月16日 · Nagra 为唱机和线路部分安装了内部计时器,以指示电子管的使用量。 PLP 的耳机电路经过仔细考虑。 每个通道都有一个专用的 Nagra 制造变压器,电路的声音与我们通过线路输出听到的性能相匹配。