PMA - Nagra
The PMA offers both balanced and unbalanced inputs on XLR and RCA connectors. The calibrated level for maximum power can be internally selected to 1 or 2V allowing the pyramids to be compatible with any preamplifier or DAC.
Nagra PL-L Preamp and PMA Mono Amps Reviewed
2009年1月4日 · • Read high end monoblock amp reviews from the likes of Krell, Mark Levinson, Audio Research, Classé and many others. • Read unique audiophile preamp from Benchmark Media, Copland, Gryphon and many...
A monophonic amplifier, the NagraPMA Pyramid is a distillation of Nagra know-how, yet another advance in technology that has been carefully honed in the models which preceded it. Its shape evokes the idea of timeless perfection, but is doubly grounded in engineering.
NAGRA Pyramid Monoblock Amplifiers Review - Dagogo
Sheer engineering brilliance permeated through every angle and performance of the Nagra Pyramid Monoblock Amplifier. From the pyramid’s 50° angle-of-incident to the multiplicity of technologies, the Nagra PMA is a powerful embodiment of engineering elegance, and a definitive statement in amplification design.
The PMA was created by an engineering team with over half a century of experience designing world-class products for the professional audio, national security and military businesses. Since its inception in 1951, Nagra builds products that continue to earn a reputation for delivering ultimate sonic performance. Numerous
終於集齊一套nagra - 兩聲道音響討論區 - Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部
2014年6月11日 · 由nagra pll 轉到plp, 其間亦試過幾部後级,ayre v3mk2, passlabs aleph2, goldmund 28, 到最後都係用返nagra pma.其實除左nagra 後级。 仲想了其它選擇,不過都out budget ...
【器材测评】重现音乐真实本质的理想伴侣:南瓜NAGRA CLASSIC …
2022年12月31日 · NAGRA Classic Preamp全电子管前级是NAGRA的工程师从广受好评的 JAZZ 前级放大器着手,结合 HD DAC 独特的设计理念元素,创造出一款性能更高且音乐性更强的前级放大器。
Nagra PMA Monoblock Power Amplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
To purchase PMA spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer.
干货 - 南瓜NAGRA几款前级的比较和评析 - 百家号
2023年12月26日 · 2016年推出的 Nagra Classic PRE电子管前级是NAGRA雄心勃勃定位高端并陆续推出顶级HD DAC 和HD AMP等旗舰产品后全新规划设计的新前级。 由于从开始设计就不同于之前的定位,故确实是一款趋于完美的前级。
南瓜 金字塔双单声道后级NAGRA PMA (全新样机)_功放系列_光辉 …
南瓜pma功率放大器汇集nagra多年来开发的专利技术,独特的三角形设计, 内藏nagra专利pfc超高速滤波式电源。pfc技术超越一般传统供电规限, 以超高速供应纯正而稳定的电流,不论细致或动态的演绎都从容不迫。