Nahida - Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Nahida is a playable Dendro character in Genshin Impact. As Lesser Lord Kusanali, she strives to have a stronger presence in Sumeru now that she has been freed from her extensive …
纳西妲,米哈游出品的游戏《原神》及其衍生作品中的角色,真名布耶尔,“ 尘世七执政 ”中的草神,被 须弥 人给予“小吉祥草王”的爱称 [3]。 现今 七神 中最年轻的一位,自诞生起已五百年 [2] …
Nahida Rating and Best Builds | Genshin Impact|Game8
2025年2月4日 · Nahida is a 5-star Dendro Catalyst user that best functions as a Dendro Sub-DPS in Genshin Impact. See her best builds, artifacts and weapons, materials, kit, and all known …
纳西妲 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
纳西妲 是 米哈游 创作的游戏《原神》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 过于专注也好,过于溺爱也罢,行为虽有瑕疵,但我认可她作为须弥神明的责任感。 最年轻之神尚能如此,反观某个歇斯 …
纳西妲 - 原神WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
纳西妲的生活或许有点千篇一律,可她拥有整个须弥最梦幻与活泼的梦境。 白天利用「虚空」掌握的知识,都会在夜晚的梦中被活灵活现地演绎出来。 随着她掌握的知识量不断增加,梦境也 …
Nahida Quick Guide - KQM - KeqingMains
Nahida is a 5-star Dendro Catalyst character who provides consistent and frequent Dendro application and damage both on-field and off-field, with a heavy focus on Dendro Elemental …
Nahida Ascension and Talent Materials | Genshin Impact
2024年11月14日 · Below are the materials that Nahida needs in Genshin Impact for each of her ascensions and their total amount. Keep in mind that the Mora provided below does not …
Nahida - Genshin Impact - HoYoWiki
HoYoWiki - Genshin Impact - Nahida: A caged bird secluded within the confines of the Sanctuary of Surasthana who can only see the world in her dreams.
Nahida Guide and Best Builds - Genshin Impact - Icy Veins
2024年6月5日 · Unlock Nahida's full potential as a Dendro Catalyst user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Nahida …
Genshin Impact Nahida Guide: Best Build, Artifacts ... - Mobalytics
Nahida is a limited 5 star Dendro Catalyst, and the premier Dendro unit for all Dendro related teams. With her Elemental Skill alone, she boasts exceptional AoE/mobbing potential, and …