NAHTM Website – NAHTM is the recognized source for hospital …
NAHTM is the recognized source for hospital based, patient transport management. The NAHTM organization provides many benefits and opportunities for its members to further their own professional development, improve the skills and performance of their staff, as well as the overall improvement of department practice.
Impact Training/CHT – NAHTM Website
NAHTM and ITC continue to work together to achieve, implement, and expand national certification for Healthcare Transporters. A pathway to implementing the Certified Healthcare for Transporters (CHT) curriculum lies in a NAHTM member or others from your hospital enrolling and earning the CHT Instructor credential.
Impact Training Company | Geismar Workforce Training Programs
Elevate your workforce with top-tier training programs in Geismar. From healthcare transporters to office operations workers, we've got you covered. Contact us!
What is a NAHTM / ITC Certified Healthcare Transporter (CHT)? A Certified Healthcare Transporter is a hospital-based, patient Transporter who has achieved proficiency in all competencies outlined in the performance-based, 3 book-course.
Certified Healthcare Transporter Instructor (CHTI)
Embark on a transformative journey with our NAHTM Certified Healthcare Transporter program. Delve into two intensive eight-hour training days where you'll gain invaluable knowledge and skills essential for seamless patient transport. This comprehensive program includes instructor guides, a resource typically valued at $600 per set.
FAQ - impacttrainingcompany.com
A NAHTM Certified Healthcare Transporter is a patient transporter who has achieved proficiency in all competencies outlined in the 3-book course offered by the National Association of Healthcare Transport Management.
TCT 2024|张俊杰教授、吴永健教授、张晓春教授团队,携汇禾医 …
2024年11月3日 · 大会期间,中国顶级专家携汇禾医疗两款重磅产品 C-Wave ® 冠脉冲击波系统、 K-Clip ® 经导管三尖瓣环修复系统亮相TCT 2024。 南京市第一医院 张俊杰教授 首次在国际顶级舞台上发布了汇禾医疗具自主知识产权的C-Wave ® 冠脉冲击波系统临床研究结果,其手术成功率 ...
Nahtm Member App
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2025年美国经导管心血管治疗学术会议(TCT)将于2025年10月26日至29日在美国旧金山召开,(Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, TCT)是世界上规模最大、最重要的介入心血管医学教育会议,经导管心血管治疗学(TCT)是CRF的年度科学研讨会,也是世界首屈一指的专门介入 ...
National Transport Week – NAHTM Website
National Patient Transport Week is held annually on the first full week of November. This week is a special time of celebration as we focus recognition on the daily effort that each of you puts forth in providing transportation service and care to your patients.