Lifestealer - Dota 2 Wiki
In the dungeons of Devarque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with …
Lifestealer - Dota 2
In the dungeons of Devarque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with …
Lifestealer DOTA 2 Hero Guides on DOTAFire
2017年6月15日 · Lifestealer DOTA 2 Hero. Find all Lifestealer stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
Lifestealer Melee, Carry, Disabler, Durable, Escape - Dotabuff
Master your Lifestealer performance with Dotabuff's new Hero Mastery! New! Threat Leve...
Lifestealer/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
In the dungeons of Devarque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with …
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Naix自身具有优秀的续战资质,和大部分英雄对A都有优势,因此装备不拘一格,选择空间较大。 爆发力、留人追击能力、切入能力都是值得考量的因素。
Dota 2/Naix the Lifestealer - StrategyWiki
2014年3月27日 · Lifestealer is a melee strength hero who can be played as a jungler and a carry. His abilities make him very durable, able to go toe to toe with other tanky heroes and shrug off …
Dota 2 - Lifestealer
Chia sẻ chung phòng giam với lão là một sinh vật miệng mồm nói không thành tiếng tên N'aix, một tên trộm bị nguyền cho sống trường thọ bởi Vile Council, để cho cái án chung thân vì tội …
Lifestealer Build Guide DOTA 2: Jungling Naix Guide - DOTAFire
Find top Lifestealer build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
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