Crypto adoption (Nano in particular) and taxation of it as a result …
2019年11月24日 · Oh well, I think we can just ignore the law makers, as the system is decentralized, the moment we stop using their money and adopt Nano as an everyday currency. The only thing the lawmakers can do to stop this is use violence against peaceful shop keepers and entrepreneurs to force their coin as exclusive. At which point people would revolt against central banks, like Iranians did.
NANO for ecommerce questions - #3 by nanoist - Support - Nano …
2020年10月25日 · @sparkcrz Thank you Spark. You mentioned the right way to integrate Nano into an e-commerce from a developer point of view But I believe most people don't have the developper skills, nor the time, to set up such a system. I'm really looking for the easiest, laziest way to offer NANO as a payment option, considering unique products (think to collectibles for instance), and without worrying ...
Iinterest in contributing code time - Support - Nano Forum
2021年4月1日 · Hi, I would have some interest in contributing some code. Nothing particular in mind, more just another coder doing the bit you don't want to. Have read the contributing on docs.nano.org, and clear on the "coding" part of the workflow, but not how you guys do issues Workflow/priority and how these issues link to discussion forum). It seems like you are mostly looking for idea submission, and ...
Time-as-a-Currency & PoS4QoS - PoS-based Anti-spam via …
2021年3月18日 · I won't go into detail, just want to point out the major flaw: Bitcoin tx fees are paid in Bitcoin. It wouldn't be fun competing with 160 EH (1.6 * 1020 hashes/second) to get your tx processed in a world, where hash rate pays access to getting the Bitcoin transaction processed. It's pretty unreasonable to base the threat for dynamic PoW at NANO ...
A decentralized payment processor with FIAT conversion - #2 by …
For them receiving via Nano or paypal is the same, both are simply ways to receive his desired FIAT (with nano being cheaper obviously). The biggest hurdle to that service is that since a payment processor would require to move money around, several bureaucratic hurdles appear.
Unique payment ID via payment protocol - forum.nano.org
2021年11月4日 · The nano_ isn't stored on chain. Ah that idea felt too good to be true. Thats my bad then all the docs make it look like its on chain. Also given this thread, the rep field might be further locked down in the future. I agree though the rep field does seem ripe for reuse when it stores redundant data for every transaction.
Ledger bloat problem and possible solution - forum.nano.org
2021年3月16日 · the problem is that "pending" and stuff is a misnomer. the thing is verifiably sent and all but there is one main law of nano that generally rules the chains that make it so the extra recieve block is needed. you can only sign on your own chain. this means that in order to have a send count to your balance (which is the important part for voting and sending) you need to add it to your balance ...
Horizontal scaling - #16 by clemahieu - Protocol Design - Nano …
2021年3月7日 · Nano's network is a textbook candidate for some sort of partitioning, but no partitioning is done, either at the node level or network level. For Nano to reach the scale necessary to become a daily currency, one of these proposals needs to be implemented and needs to be a priority, because both will be exponentially more difficult to implement ...
Horizontal scaling - #21 by Greendragon861 - Protocol Design
2021年3月8日 · Nano Forum Horizontal scaling. Protocol Design. clemahieu 7 March 2021 22:52 15. Bowser: but it may ...
Consider adding a network overlay - forum.nano.org
2020年3月8日 · @Srayman I would be cautious for message propagation and storing votes and take into account risks and attack vectors because Kademlia is intended for exchange of transient data between peers in an untrusted network. This is key and should always be considered for all the operations performed on the overlay network. See for example below which demonstrates that DHT networks (among other ...