Port of Nantong - Wikipedia
The Port of Nantong combines a natural river estuary inland port with an artificial deep water coastal port. It is located at Nantong, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China. In 2013, it had a cargo throughput of 205 million tonnes, a growth of 10.6% over 2012. Container throughput reached 600,500 TEU, a growth of 19.1%. [1]
南通港口集团有限公司是江苏省南通市最大的公用港口企业,前身为南通港务局,2002年政企分开后成立,2005年底成为中外合资企业,2017年变更为国有法人独资的市属一类企业,注册资 …
南通港(Nantong Port),是中国江苏省南通市港口,位于中国长江三角洲和东部沿海要冲,东濒黄海、南临长江,是长江下游处于苏中、苏北地区的大型港口,为中国国家一类对外开放口岸、国家主枢纽港,也是上海国际航运中心组合港的主要成员。
NANTONG Port - Ports Directory
Overview: Nantong port, located in Jiangsu province along the northern bank of the Yangtze River, is one of China's major coastal ports and a key hub for international trade. Strategically...
Port - Nantong
Nantong Port is a national first-class open port, a national main hub port, and a major member of Shanghai International shipping center portfolio ports. Nantong Port is now dealing with more than 340 ports in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.
Nantong CNNTG Details: Departures, Expected Arrivals and
Real-time updates about vessels in the Nantong (China) CNNTG: Expected arrivals, port calls & wind forecast for Nantong by Shipnext.
南通通海港口有限公司位于苏通大桥下游两公里处,地处长江下游徐六泾河段北岸,距入海口160公里,距吴淞口65公里,距太仓港约30公里,紧邻长江12.5米深水航道,港区外围通过疏港公路与G15、G40高速公路相连,宁启铁路海门站规划预留支线直达港区,新江... 更多>> 喜报! 通海公司刘进获“中远海运杯”职工技... [2021-11-29] 向国旗敬礼! 公司举行升国旗仪式 [2021-11-29] 南通港通海港区通海作业区通海港口有限公司码头改建工... 2025年南通通海港口有限公司集 …
南通港-港口网 - chinaports.com
南通港是我国长江下游对外贸易口岸和进出口物资江海中转主枢纽港之一,上海国际航运中心组合港之一,担负着南通市和苏北地区内、外贸易运输,长江中、上游大宗散货的中转和外贸进出口运输及旅客运输。 作为我国首批对外开放港口,目前已与日本、美国、欧洲、香港等100多个国家和地区的300多个港口通航。 南通港地处长江入海口,背靠苏北平原,有着十分广阔的经济腹地,是江苏省中部重要的经济发展地区,中转腹地为长江沿线的6省1市,同时还涉及云、贵、豫、陕 …
Port - Nantong
2020年5月18日 · As one of China's top 10 ports and the best deep-water port on the Yangtze River, Nantong Port is an important part of Shanghai International Shipping Center. The main port area, Langshan Container Terminal is located alongside the golden river line in Chongchuan Economic Development Zone.
Port of Nantong CNNTG, map, contact details, related companies …
Presentation of Nantong in the region of South china sea by Maritime-Database.com. Nantong is a port in China, Asia.
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