Douglas R4D-8 - Wikipedia
The Douglas R4D-8 (later redesignated C-117D) is a military transport aircraft developed from the civilian Douglas DC-3S (Super DC-3) airliner. It was used by the United States Navy and …
RD-4 Dolphin - NHHC
Acquired by the Navy and Coast Guard as a transport and search and rescue aircraft, RD Dolphins served throughout the 1930s and in a limited role as patrol aircraft during World War …
Douglas R4D-8 - Pima Air & Space
In 1951, the Navy evaluated the Super DC-3 and liked the increased performance it offered and accepted the aircraft as the R4D-8. Rather than purchase new aircraft a total of 98 earlier …
C-117D (R4D-8) Skytrain - NHHC
R4D-8s transported personnel and cargo around the globe, including in-country operations during the Vietnam War. Assigned to various naval air stations, they also supported the operations of...
Douglas RD, RD-1, RD-2, RD-4 "Dolphin" - United States Coast …
2022年6月3日 · Upon U.S. entry into World War II in December 1941 the U.S. Coast Guard became part of the U.S. Navy and the surviving Douglas RDD-4's were assigned to security …
Douglas R4D-3 N763A - Wikipedia
Former United States Army Air Force aircraft serial number 41-20124 is a World War II era fully restored Douglas DC-3, owned by a private party and based at Marathon Key, FL. Civil …
RD-4 Dolphin - NNAM
RD-4 Dolphin U.S. military purchasers of the airplane, originally built as an “air yacht” for the commercial market, included the Navy, Army Air Corps and Coast Guard, the latter service …
r4d - Douglas DC-3
The aircraft was assigned to the Wing as a C-47, the common U.S. Army Air Force designation for their version of the Douglas DC-3. Upon close inspection of the aircraft by members of the …
Douglas R4D (DC-3/ C-47) - HistoryOfWar.org
2008年11月12日 · The US Navy was the third biggest operator of military versions of the Douglas DC-3, after the USAAF and the RAF, and eventually received over 550 aircraft in seven main …
Aircraft: Douglas RD-4 Dolphin - Aero Web
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