2019年1月13日 · 19 March 1945: VT-5 was preparing to launch its aircraft for an attack against the city of Kobe, Japan, when the Franklin was hit by two enemy bombs from a Japanese aircraft. Fires were ignited on the second and third decks from the first bomb and the second triggered munitions on the carrier.
VA-55 (U.S. Navy) - Wikipedia
VA-55 was an Attack Squadron of the U.S. Navy. It was established as Torpedo Squadron VT-5 on 15 February 1943, redesignated VA-6A on 15 November 1946, and finally designated VA-55 on 16 August 1948.
VT 5 - Wikipedia
VT-5, a U.S. Navy training squadron based at Saufley Field, Florida; disestablished 1976 See also: List of inactive United States Navy aircraft squadrons See also
VT-5 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron - VPNAVY
VPNAVY is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Navy flying ASW VP/VPB Patrol Aircraft past and present. VPNAVY has attempted to collect every available piece of information via the InterNet.
VT-5 Pussycats training squadron TRARON 5 - US Navy - Seaforces
Training Squadron 5 (TRARON 5) VT-5 ‘Pussycats’ STATUS: images . history . patches | seaforces.org | US Navy Air Units start page |
2025年3月13日 · 跟昨天一样,专门挑vt5吊篮直接nab或者信息不足,已经结束力! 悲😞. 只有在有能清晰看到吊篮的资料来源的情况下,关于该吊篮的报告才会被接受。
2020年11月30日 · 首先要承认,vt5是一款好坦克,不见得比15式差多少。即使不上高原,性能也能吊打印度的t72m,这正是孟拉加国放着vt4不要,反而购买vt5的重要原因,要知道vt5不见得就比vt4便宜。而且孟加拉首批就购买了44辆,后续还不排除购买更多。
VMH: Training Squadron (VT) 5 - usnamemorialhall.org
Ensign, US Navy: Operational loss, Training Squadron (VT) 5, Fixed Wing, USNA 15th Company
vt5坦克战斗全重仅为30多吨,且配备了大马力电控发动机,在机动性、火力、防护、信息化等各方面的性能和综合作战能力都达到了世界先进水平 送TA礼物
中国装备志——VT5轻型坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VT5轻型坦克 基础参数,长7.5米,宽3.3米,高2.5米,乘员3人,战斗全重36吨,动力系统采用了新型8V150柴油发动机和新一代综合液力传动装置,采用了机械式悬挂或液气悬挂系统,最大功率1000马力,最大速度70千米/小时,无装备情况下涉水1.2米,采用一体式动力舱方便维护更换。 主要观瞄火控系统,使用上反稳像式瞄准火控系统,小型的激光告警装置,配备了炮长瞄准镜和车长周视仪,都配备热成像通道,这些炮长瞄准镜集成了激光测距和红外夜视仪,车顶安装横风观 …