What Determines the Drastic Reactivity of Nb n - ACS Publications
2022年7月13日 · We report an in-depth study of the adsorption and reaction of NO with cationic Nb n+ ( n = 1–20) clusters under thermalized conditions in a laminar flow tube reactor in …
New Journal of Chemistry - RSC Publishing
We illustrate the dehydrogenation reaction paths of Nb 4+ + 2C 2 H 2 to form the prominent Nb 4 C 4+ product, along with the highly exothermic reactions to produce H 2. The study of clusters …
Reactions of Nbn+ (n = 1−15) with Propene and 1-Butene: …
The reactions of niobium cluster cations (Nb n+, n = 1−15) with propene and 1-butene are studied using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry. Reaction …
First-principle study of the Nb - ScienceDirect
2018年2月15日 · In this study, the energy storage properties of Nb n+1 C n (n = 1 or 2), as a member of the MXene family, are investigated by using the first-principle density-functional …
What Determines the Drastic Reactivity of Nbn+ Clusters with …
2022年7月28日 · We report an in-depth study of the adsorption and reaction of NO with cationic Nb n+ (n = 1-20) clusters under thermalized conditions in a laminar flow tube reactor in …
Dehydrogenation of diborane on small Nbn+ clusters
2024年3月5日 · Nb 2+ forms partial dehydrogenation products at a faster rate. In contrast, the Nb n>6+ clusters are subject to more flexible vibrational relaxation which disperse the energy gain …
Weak Interactions Initiate C−H and C−C Bond ... - Chemistry Europe
2023年2月20日 · It is found that ethane reacts with Nb n+ clusters to form both products of dehydrogenation and methane-removal (odd-carbon products). Combined with density …
Reactions of Nbn+ (n = 2-13) with Ethylene in the Gas Phase: …
1995年7月1日 · Reactions of Nbn+ (n = 1−15) with Propene and 1-Butene: Product Distribution as a Function of Cluster Size. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996, 100 (12) , 4755-4759. …
(PDF) Theoretical study of the electronic states of small cationic ...
2001年7月8日 · Geometries and energy separations of the various low-lying electronic states of Nbn+ (n = 3–5) clusters with different structural arrangements have been investigated.
Oxidative Stability of Nbn+1CnTz MXenes | Semantic Scholar
Engineering the surface of Nbn+1CnTx MXenes to versatile bio-activity towards microorganisms. ... Transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) are a relatively new class of 2D materials, …