细胞描述:据报道NCI-H526细胞中2种小细胞肺癌生化标志物:神经元特异性 烯醇化酶和脑型肌酸激酶同工酶表达水平较高。不表达左旋多巴羧化酶或蛙皮素 (bombesin)样免疫反应性。这些细胞表达c-kit基因以及N-myc基因,但不表达 c-myc、L-myc。N-myc被放大并观察到p75c-myb ...
NCI-H526 [H526] - CRL-5811 - ATCC
NCI-H526 [H526] is an epithelial cell line that was isolated from the lungs of a 55-year-old, White male with carcinoma. This product has applications for cancer research.
NCI-H526细胞系因其独特的生物学特性,广泛用于癌症生物学和药物开发研究。 NCI-H526细胞表达多种癌基因,包括myc、myb、fes、fms、raf和ras家族。此外,NCI-H526细胞系显示出胰岛素样生长因子II(IGF-II)和蛙皮的表达,但不表达左旋多巴羧化酶或蛙皮素样免疫反应性。
人小细胞肺癌细胞NCI-H526 [H526]说明书 目录号:SCSP-5087 细胞名称:NCI-H526 [H526] 细胞描述:据报道NCI-H526 细胞中2 种小细胞肺癌生化标志物:神经元特异性 烯醇化酶和脑型肌酸激酶同工酶表达水平较高。不表达左旋多巴羧化酶或蛙皮素 (bombesin)样免疫反应性。
Cellosaurus cell line NCI-H526 (CVCL_1569)
NCI-H526: Synonyms: H526; H-526; NCIH526: Accession: CVCL_1569: Resource Identification Initiative: To cite this cell line use: NCI-H526 (RRID:CVCL_1569) Comments: Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE). Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.
NCI-H526(人小细胞肺癌细胞)_科研细胞_南京科佰生物科技有 …
NCI-H526 also expresses the proto-oncogenes N-ras, Ki-ras, Ha-ras, and c-raf1. Only trace amounts of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene, RB mRNA were detected.RB protein was not detected. The cells express easily detectable levels of p53 mRNA compared to levels found in normal lung.Abnormally sized mRNA was present.The line has a reported ...
NCI-H526/H522 Xenograft Model - Altogen Labs
The NCI-H526 cell line is derived from a small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) of a 55-year-old male patient, and is widely used in cancer research to understand the biology of SCLC. H526 cells exhibit a round, suspension-growing morphology typical of SCLC and express neuroendocrine markers such as chromogranin A and synaptophysin. These markers are ...
2023年7月31日 · 比对信息(实为nci-h526细胞) 附1:细胞接收后的操作流程与注意事项 1. 您收到细胞时,若干冰已经完全融化,请立即将细胞复苏培养,切勿再次低温冻存;若尚留有干
Cell Line: NCI-H526 - Laboratory Notes
Cell Line: NCI-H526; Synonyms: NCI-H526; NCIH526; H526; H-526; Culture Type: Cell line; Keywords: Human Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Epithelial Cell Line; Description: Established from the Bone marrow (metastatic site) of a 55-year-old, Caucasian male patient with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma. Origin:
400-080-7688 www.adsbio.cn NCI-H526细胞说明书 一、产品信息 细胞名称 人小细胞肺癌细胞;NCI-H526 细胞别称 H526; H-526; NCIH526 产品货号 ADS-C-1294 产品规格 1×106cells/T25 培养瓶 生长特性 悬浮圆形团簇 细胞形态 上皮样 培养体系 RPMI 1640+10% FBS+1% P/S 传代比例 1:2~1:3 冻存条件 无血清细胞冻存液(科研级)
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