National Institutes of Health
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NCI Metathesaurus - ncim.nci.nih.gov
Concept Unique Identifier (CUI): C1507394 NCI Thesaurus Code: C25320 (see NCI Thesaurus info) Semantic Type: Intellectual Product NCIt Definition: A formal document that describes a complete plan of research activity in the framework of a clinical study; specifically, the study objective(s), design, methodology, eligibility requests for prospective subjects and controls; …
NCI Metathesaurus
NCIm Version: 202402 (Browser Version 2.17, using LexEVS 6.5.5) Contains Exact Match Begins With : Name Code Property Relationship: Source ...
NCI Metathesaurus - ncim.nci.nih.gov
Please be aware that EVS will be retiring legacy LexEVS-based terminology services and migrating to a new suite of tools at the end of 2024. We encourage users to search and access EVS terminology via our new EVS Explore at https://evsexplore.semantics.cancer.gov
NCI Metathesaurus
Concept Unique Identifier (CUI): C1708537 NCI Thesaurus Code: C45473 (see NCI Thesaurus info) Semantic Type: Neoplastic Process NCIt Definition: A borderline blood vessel neoplasm that has locally aggressive behavior. Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)
NCI Metathesaurus
Please be aware that EVS will be retiring legacy LexEVS-based terminology services and migrating to a new suite of tools at the end of 2024. We encourage users to search and access EVS terminology via our new EVS Explore at https://evsexplore.semantics.cancer.gov
NCI Metathesaurus - ncim.nci.nih.gov
NCIm Version: 202402 (Browser Version 2.17, using LexEVS 6.5.5) Contains Exact Match Begins With : Name Code Property Relationship: Source ...