2024年6月11日 · 在光谷,华引芯 (武汉)科技有限公司(简称“华引芯”)自主研发的NCSP白光Mini-LED背光源,综合性能达到国际一线水平,目前已成功量产。 不久前,搭载这一产品的华星光电42.7英寸异形车载一体式显示屏,亮相2024年国际消费电子展。 “亮度足、功耗低。 NCSP白光Mini-LED背光源应对汽车内高温、高湿的环境时,可靠性寿命独具优势。 ”华引芯董事长孙雷蒙介绍。 5年前,这项技术还“躺”在华中科技大学先进电子封装材料与技术团队的理论性研究论文 …
NCSP Spectre | A prototype rapid response car for the Space - Flickr
A prototype rapid response car for the Space Police on the Futuron base Alpha-5. I really wanted to make another Space Police vehicle this year, but didn't have an idea yet. When I received those trans-red windscreens yesterday I thought they would look cool on a SP vehicle.
Mini器件全系通过AEC-Q102认证!华引芯持续加码车载市场-电子 …
2023年10月16日 · 车载显示领域,华引芯已开发NCSP0505等四款Mini器件,并成功点亮12.3吋、15.6吋(AM驱动)多尺寸Mini-LED车载中控背光源,可实现0OD,峰值亮度25000nits,85%-98%NTSC色域等性能,助力车载显示市场高清化、超薄化迭代升级。 华引芯NCSP系列Mini-LED显示光源及特点:
The European New Car Assessment Programme | Euro NCAP
For safer cars, size isn’t everything: MINI Cooper Electric and Audi A6 e‑tron gain five-star ratings 5th March - LEUVEN, BELGIUM – The latest results from Euro NCAP’s new car safety tests show that when it comes to choosing a safe car, size isn’t everything.
LED行业“免封装”火热 CSP、NCSP及WiCop对比有啥差别?
2015年11月26日 · NCSP与CSP是什么关系? NCSP技术依靠倒装结构的芯片(Flip Chip),将倒装芯片通过共晶焊技术焊接在陶瓷或柔性基板上,再将荧光粉层涂覆在作为出光窗口的蓝宝石及芯片四周侧壁上,形成五面发光型光源。
Global NCAP
Global NCAP’s new #SaferCarsForAfrica crash results reveal a disappointing two star occupant safety rating for the Kia Pegas and Renault Triber and only one star for the Maruti Suzuki Ertiga. Global NCAP and the NCAP community are rightly recognised and highly respected for their transformative work on vehicle safety improvements.
Police Vehicles – Fleet Police Cars, SUVs & Trucks | GM Envolve
Our purpose-built, pursuit-ready vehicles are designed to support fast-paced police work. The 2025 Blazer EV PPV puts the future on patrol.
“免封装”技术: CSP、NCSP及WiCop大比拼 - 21IC电子网
2015年11月26日 · NCSP与CSP是什么关系? NCSP技术依靠倒装结构的芯片 (Flip Chip),将倒装芯片通过共晶焊技术焊接在陶瓷或柔性基板上,再将荧光粉层涂覆在作为出光窗口的蓝宝石及芯片四周侧壁上,形成五面发光型光源。
BHARAT NCAP is designed to provide a fair, meaningful and objective assessment of crash safety performance of cars on the basis of standard laboratory tests as per AIS 197.
Roblox Studio [] NCSP Office For Everett City V2 Aswell As A
In this video we work on NCSP car and office for V2 of Everett city link below.-Everett police- https://www.roblox.com/groups/2536189/Everett-Police#!/aboutL...