NATO - Topic: Defence Planning Process
2021年7月9日 · The aim of the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP) is to provide a framework within which national and Alliance defence planning activities can be harmonised to enable Allies to provide the required forces and capabilities in the most effective way. It should facilitate the timely identification, development and delivery of the necessary range of forces that are interoperable and adequately ...
NATO - Topic: NATO’s capabilities
2022年2月21日 · NATO’s deterrence and defence posture is based on, among other factors, an effective combination of cutting-edge weapons systems and platforms, and forces trained to work together seamlessly. As such, investing in the right capabilities is an essential part of investing in defence. NATO plays an important role in assessing what capabilities the Alliance needs; setting targets for national or ...
NATO - Opinion: Joint press conference by the Chair of the NATO ...
2025年1月16日 · So NDPP is the first time, for quite a long time, the pledge of the Nations is plans related. So it's the plans that dictate what we need, and not a sort of pledge for sort of an ambition. It's just to fulfil a plan. And so what will be decided in May, we say, yes, the plan have been approved by the nations.
NATO - Opinion: Media briefing with Chair of the NATO Military ...
2023年7月3日 · NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to this briefing with senior NATO officials. This will be off camera but on the record and I'm very glad to have with us the Chair of the Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, and the from SHAPE the Deputy Chief of Staff Operations Major General Matthew Van Wagen
NATO - Topic: Defence Policy and Planning Committee
It is a key committee bringing together defence counsellors from all national delegations. It deals with a broad range of issues such as transformation, defence capabilities, agency reform and common-funded acquisition, and in Reinforced format (DPPC(R)) it manages the NATO Defence Planning Process.
NATO - Topic: Capacités de l'OTAN
2023年12月8日 · Participant au NDPP en tant qu’États indépendants, les Alliés coordonnent leurs plans de défense nationaux avec ceux de l'OTAN, sans que leur souveraineté nationale soit compromise. Ce processus aide chaque Allié à déterminer comment contribuer équitablement à l'ensemble des forces et des capacités dont l'Alliance a besoin pour ...
NATO - Topic: Le processus OTAN de planification de défense
2022年3月31日 · Le processus OTAN de planification de défense (NDPP) vise à offrir un cadre dans lequel les activités de planification de défense des pays et de l'Alliance peuvent être harmonisées pour permettre aux Alliés de fournir le plus efficacement possible les forces et capacités requises. Il devrait faciliter l'identification, le développement et la mise à disposition rapides de l'éventail ...
NATO - Search
The first one is the NDPP, so the NATO Defence Planning Process. We are in phase 3. Opinion: NATO Military Committee Conference to be held in the Czech Republic. 14 Aug. 2024 Lavigne, will brief and update on the Alliance’s warfighting transformation in accordance with the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). Among other topics, the Chiefs ...
NATO - Topic: Comprehensive Political Guidance (Archived)
2015年6月1日 · The NDPP comprises a number of planning disciplines including armaments, civil emergency planning, consultation, command and control, logistics, and resource, nuclear and force planning. Subordinate documents, such as Ministerial Guidance, provide more detailed, quantitative and qualitative guidance.
NATO - Topic: Bureau OTAN de normalisation
Le Bureau OTAN de normalisation (NSO) lance, coordonne, soutient et administre les activités de normalisation de l’OTAN menées sous l’autorité du Comité de normalisation (CS), qui est le comité responsable de la politique de normalisation. Le NSO aide le Comité militaire de l’OTAN à élaborer des normes opérationnelles militaires OTAN. Ces activités, qui promeuvent la ...