halacha - Bli Neder Loophole - Mi Yodeya
2011年12月15日 · A "neder" is a formal commitment. "B'li Neder" means "without making a formal commitment." Not to be true to ones word is itself considered a sin in Judaism. Therefore, not to become entrapped in the sin of violating ones commitments, one adds this expression (B'li Neder) when committing oneself to an action or behavior such as in this calendar.
lomdus - Neder vs. Shevua - Mi Yodeya
A neder, by definition, is either declaring something to be forbidden to oneself, or taking on an obligation to bring a korban or give tzedakah (Rambam, ibid. 1:1 -2 and Matnos Aniyim 8:1).
To be Matir Neder or not to be, that is the question - Mi Yodeya
2017年12月21日 · If someone was Matir this Neder, that is a separate Halachic discussion as to whether it is valid, and not the topic of this post. For MY users that appreciate "easter eggs" in Shu"t Sefarim, it would be worth it to read the final two paragraphs of …
nedarim shevuot - Is making a deal with Hashem to stop doing an …
2024年10月31日 · According to the Ben Ish Chai, the neder is in force, and would require nullification, if you verbalized it. You can always say “bli neder” and with a sincere intention such a statement is far superior to a neder in most cases. We should avoid nedarim whenever possible.
Is a neder about something compulsory valid? - Mi Yodeya
2018年8月19日 · Imagine someone make a neder not to eat pork (this is not a general Neder not to eat meat rather specifically prohibiting pork which is already forbidden). Is that neder valid? If he then eats por...
hebrew - "Bli neder" and shevuot - Mi Yodeya
2016年10月11日 · As far as I understand from the discussion here, a "neder" is a vow forbidding or consecrating objects, whereas a "shevua" governs personal actions. For example, one would make a neder to declare w...
Making a neder without specifying verbally - Mi Yodeya
2013年10月21日 · If someone wants to make a prohibition on himself from eating apples and has some apples in front of him and uses a language of "konem" in his neder and says "these apples" then they become forbidd...
What if one swears to do something forbidden? - Mi Yodeya
2017年5月24日 · If one makes a neder or shevu'ah to do something that is forbidden by Torah (or perhaps to abstain from something that is mandatory) what happens? Does his vow have any significance? That is, was...
nedarim shevuot - (Seeking Original Source in Yechave Daas ) …
2013年8月15日 · Question Verification: 3x a good deed is a neder. You want to know where in black and white Rav Ovadia limits this to certain things?
What are the different types of oaths mentioned in Kol Nidre?
2018年9月4日 · The terms used in Kol Nidrei are: Neder - a vow affecting an object (usually forbidding it in some way) or a vow to upkeep the Temple or gift to the altar. Issar - a vow that forbids or prohibits something. (Ex. "This loaf of bread is assur to me.") The Hebrew "Issar" means to bind or restrict. It can be a neder or shevuah etc. as long as it forbids. Shevuah - an oath declaring one will or ...