Neoplants - Neo P1 - The First Bioengineered Air-Purifying Plant …
Neo P1 is a fully bioengineered plant system made up of both our patented bioengineered microbiome and bioengineered plant, designed to unlock a new level of air purification. In …
Science - Neoplants
Neo P1 has been bioengineered by our team to efficiently capture and recycle the 4 most dangerous VOC’s present in your home: formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene. It is the …
Bioengineered "superplant" could soon be purifying the air in your …
2023年1月18日 · Created by Paris-based biotech startup Neoplants, the Neo P1 is actually a genetically engineered type of pothos, a plant which is already known to be good at removing …
Neoplants Bioengineers Houseplants to Remove Harmful Air …
2022年10月27日 · The first bioengineered generation of the popular Pothos houseplant, Neo P1, is designed by the Neoplants team at the genetic level to efficiently capture and recycle the …
Neoplants - Neoplants: Advanced Natural Air-Purification for a …
Neoplants combines nature and technology to create powerful natural air purification solutions. Power Drops transform any plant into an air purifier, while Neo Px offers an all-in-one …
What's next? - Neoplants
Introducing Neo P1. A world-first project. Neo P1 is a fully bioengineered plant system made up of both our patented bioengineered microbiome and bioengineered plant, designed to unlock a …
Bioengineered house plant acts as natural air-purification system
2024年1月16日 · Called the Neo P1, the plant “is more effective than up to 30 of the most popular houseplants in capturing and recycling harmful VOCs from indoor air,” according to Neoplants. …
Genetically Modified Houseplants Are Coming to Clean Your Air
2023年4月11日 · This is the Neo P1—a genetically modified houseplant that the company claims could help combat indoor air pollution. P1 is a modified form of golden pothos—more …
以生物工程植物作為空氣淨化的居家幫手 - 農業科技決策資訊平台
Neoplants 公司表示,Neo P1在淨化空氣的效率相當於多達 30 株普通室內植物,且植物同時也能作為家中漂亮的觀賞生物,具有許多一般空氣清淨機無法提供的用途,更不用說植物不需電力 …
Neoplants shows off its Neo P1 bio-engineered air-purifying plant
2024年1月8日 · At CES 2024, French startup Neoplants is showing off its progress with its houseplants that work as air purifiers designed for the home. The bio-engineered plants can, …