Newborn health - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年10月16日 · In 2014, 194 Member States of the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly endorsed the action plan (Resolution WHA67.10).
Newborn mortality - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年3月14日 · Most neonatal deaths (75%) occur during the first week of life, and about 1 million newborns die within the first 24 hours. Among neonates, the leading causes of death include premature birth, birth complications (birth asphyxia/trauma), neonatal infections and congenital anomalies, which collectively account for almost 4 in every 10 deaths in ...
Essential newborn care - World Health Organization (WHO)
This course is part of a set of resources for improving care of newborns, such as WHO Human Resource Strategies for improving neonatal care, WHO standards for improving the quality of care for maternal and newborn health, small and sick newborns in health facilities.
Newborn care - UNICEF DATA
2022年2月1日 · Death in the first month of life, which is mostly preventable, represents 47 per cent of total deaths among children under 5 in 2022. While mortality among children under 5 declines globally, deaths among these children are becoming more concentrated in the first days of life. This makes the focus on newborn care more critical than ever. In 2022, an estimated …
Newborn health WPRO - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年4月8日 · Neonatal mortality; Child mortality levels; Cause of child death; Western Pacific Health Data Platform on Newborn health; WHO resolutions. Newborn health action plan (WHA67.10) Working towards the reduction of perinatal and neonatal mortality (WHA64.13) -
Neonatal mortality - UNICEF DATA
2024年3月1日 · The first 28 days of life – the neonatal period – is the most vulnerable time for a child’s survival. Children face the highest risk of dying in their first month of life at an average global rate of 17 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2022, down by 53 per cent from 37 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990. In comparison, the probability of dying after the first month and …
Mortalidad neonatal - World Health Organization (WHO)
En 2022, las tasas de mortalidad neonatal en los diferentes países oscilaron entre 0,7 defunciones por cada 1000 nacidos vivos y 39,4 defunciones por cada 1000 nacidos vivos, mientras que el riesgo de morir antes 28º día de vida para un niño nacido en el país con la tasa de mortalidad más alta fue aproximadamente 60 veces mayor que el del ...
Newborn infections - World Health Organization (WHO)
2019年11月9日 · Neonatal infections are primarily bacterial in origin, and include pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis. Neonatal infections result in over 550 000 neonatal deaths every year. Most of these deaths can be averted by preventive measures, early diagnosis, timely care-seeking, treatment with appropriate antibiotics, and follow up.
Neonatal mortality rate (0 to 27 days) per 1000 live births) (SDG …
Mortality during the neonatal period accounts for a large proportion of child deaths, and is considered to be a useful indicator of maternal and newborn neonatal health and care. Generally, the proportion of neonatal deaths among child deaths under the age of five is expected to increase as countries continue to witness a decline in child ...
Levels and trends in child mortality - UNICEF DATA
2024年3月12日 · Neonatal mortality; Under-5 mortality; Child and youth mortality, ages 5-24; Child survival and the SDGs; CHILD NUTRITION. Child malnutrition; Women’s nutrition; Low birthweight; Infant and young child feeding; Breastfeeding; Diets; Iodine; Vitamin A; POVERTY; PROTECTION. Birth registration; Child labour; Child marriage; Female genital ...