Create Your Own Netnavi! - Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
2011年1月31日 · Netnavi name: Pandora.EXE Real Netnavi name: Pandora 0JXY570 Owner: Zoey Type: Neutral Good Thing: Scan/analyze, hack Worst Thing: Fight hand-to-hand
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge NetNavi Codes FAQ - Neoseeker
2008年6月24日 · After the Deck is arranged the way you want go back to the PET main menu and select "NetNavi." You will see a screen with your name, the name of the Navi in your Deck, the total number of chips ...
NetNavi Battles - Mega Man Battle Network 2 Forum - Neoseeker
2002年8月19日 · Presenting the all-new NetNavi Battle Thread! Choose your Navi, and go at it!!! Example: Owner: NetNavi: No more chips thing!! Go by the Navis atrtributes!!(Snakeman using snakes etc).
If you have a Netnavi, Who will it be? - Mega Man Battle Network
2003年7月17日 · Sign in with the following networks. or create a new account Register; Sign in with:
Create Your Own Netnavi! - Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
» Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue » re: Create Your Own Netnavi! re: Create Your Own Netnavi! Create Your Own Netnavi! - Page 3
If you have a Netnavi, Who will it be? - Mega Man Battle Network
2007年12月4日 · Thread title: From: Last replied: Now searching... Featured: Dragonball Forum Football (Soccer) Music Movies Sports Books&Lit Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories PC Games and Steam PokéLounge Computer ...
Create your own Net Navi and character - Neoseeker
2009年10月18日 · Current NetNavi: AntiMan Element: None Battle Chips: - Implsion (1000 damage, auto-aim) - Pressure (100 damage, cracks all panels, slows movement) Special: - Invisible, defense-piercing attack ...
netnavi arcticman - Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel
» Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel » netnavi arcticman netnavi arcticman. netnavi arcticman
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue - Neoseeker
2004年5月23日 · And the only guys that EVER want revenge on you during the entire Ranked NetNavi process are the 4 guys that tried to team up on you in the preliminary rounds to be able to face the #10 Ranked ...
re: Create your own Net Navi and character - Page 2 - Neoseeker
2010年8月12日 · NetNavi:Blizzardman Battlechips: Snowstorm Aerial assault Ice blade Snow tornado Iceman(Navi chip) Special power: Ice spikes Gregar Master. Neo-newbie total posts: 3 since: Nov 2009.