Hilscher: netX 52–Network controller for fieldbus slave and Real …
The netX 52 consists of the same silicon as the netX 51, but it has no external memory bus, consequentially it has a smaller housing and is thus more cost-effective. Therefore, these components are optimized for designing modular or compact slaves, or as a Real-Time Ethernet controller of a high-performance CPU.
Hilscher: netX 52–这是用于现场总线和实时以太网从站的网络控制器
netX 51/52 网络控制器基于经过二次开发的 netX 50 通讯架构,该架构提供显著增加的内部存储容量和额外的功能单元。 兼容 netX 51 和 netX 50 硬件。 netX 52 由与 netX 51 相同的芯片组成,但未设置外部存储器总线,因此具有更小的外壳,更具成本效益。
The netX 51 and 52 is an enhancement of the existing netX 50 to fulfil the increasing demands of performance and functionality of industrial networks. These controllers are supporting the PROFINET specification 2.3 with the new option of Dynamic Frame Packaging and the IO-Link version 1.1 with long telegrams.
EtherCAT Technology Group | netX 52
The netX 52 contains the same silicon, but dispenses with an external memory bus, and due to its smaller housing, is more costeffective. These three components are thus optimized for designing modular or compact slaves, or as a Real-Time Ethernet controller on a high-performing CPU.
Overview netX 51 / 52 and netX 90 - netX - Hilscher Confluence
2024年4月23日 · Note 1: Depends on the thermal characteristics of the embedded design and the targeted mission profile (see netX 90 Design-In Guide) Note 2: Channel-based real-time communication interface, which supports all popular Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus standards
It describes the standard circuitry around all netX interfaces like memory interface (SDRAM, FLASH) USB, UARTs, XMACs (Ethernet and field bus), LCD, as well as power supply, reset and clock circuits along with the standard netX I/O resources (PIOs, GPIOs) that have been assigned a default functionality at Hilscher.
netX 52 datasheet - Network controller for fieldbus slave and Real …
The netX 52 contains the same silicon, but dispenses with an external memory bus, and due to its smaller housing, is more cost-effective. These three components are thus optimized for designing modular or compact slaves, as a Real-Time Ethernet controller on a high-performing CPU.
基于赫优讯netX芯片PROFINET IO设备的开发 - CSDN博客
2021年5月27日 · netX网络控制器是赫优讯(Hilscher)公司推出的新一代工业网络控制芯片,目前推出了netX500、netX100、netX50、netX51、netX52等型号,是一种高度集成的网络控制器,它具有全新的系统优化结构,适合工业通讯和大规模的数据吞吐。
NETX 52 - Network controller for fieldbus and Real-Time Ethernet …
A third Ethernet interface for connecting a PC for diagnosis and configuration purposes is implemented. Alternatively, it can also be used for connecting the netX to a host CPU. On this MII interface the netX will behave like a PHY.
The netX 52 contains the same silicon, but dispenses with an external memory bus, and due to its smaller housing, is more cost-efective. These three components are thus optimized for designing modular or compact slaves, or as a Real-Time Ethernet controller on a high-performing CPU.