AK-308 - Kalashnikov Group
Specifications, detailed capabilities, as well as photo and video materials for the AK-308 7.62 mm rifle, a new personal service weapon designed for the export market.
AKV-721 & AK-308: New .308 Win Rifles by Kalashnikov Concern
2022年8月23日 · During the ARMY 2022 exhibition, Kalashnikov Concern unveiled two new rifles chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO / .308 Winchester - the AKV-721 and AK-308.
AK-308 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
AK-308是卡拉什尼科夫集团公司在2018年推出的一种基于 AK-12 、RPK-16设计的出口型步枪,首次展出是在俄罗斯的“陆军2018”防务展销会上。 该枪发射7.62mm北约标准弹(民用口径.308温彻斯特),是AK-400系列中最新的一员。 由于7.62mm NATO弹的威力较大,因此该枪使用了RPK式的加强机匣的结构,但延长了机匣尺寸(实际上是来自于Vepr-308的设计),以便能容纳较长的枪弹和弹匣。 在其他如机匣盖、枪托、护木、快慢机等细节的设计上,基本与AK-12相同,而且 …
AK-308 - 百度百科
俄罗斯AK-308是卡拉什尼科夫集团公司在2018年推出的一种基于7.62×39毫米弹药的AK-103 [3] 以及AK-12突击步枪的零部件改进而来的出口型步枪,首次展出是在俄罗斯的“陆军2018”防务展销会上。 [2] 该型号是在7.62X39毫米口径的 AK-103突击步枪 基础上研发的,配有AK-12步枪的组件,正准备对武器进行初步测试。 AK-308使用的是7.62毫米口径弹药,枪膛内可压进20发子弹。 空枪重量为4.3公斤,总长度为880-940毫米,枪身长415毫米。 步枪使用屈光瞄准镜,可折叠, …
Kalashnikov Group presents new assault rifle prototype – AK-308
2018年8月20日 · Kalashnikov Group demonstrated new assault rifle prototype “7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-308” at the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2018”. Weapon is based on AK-103 with certain design features taken from AK …
New Kalashnikov Rifle's Chambered for 7.62 NATO: Meet the AK-308
2018年8月21日 · The new Kalashnikov 300-series is a big bore beaut. Chambered for 7.62x51mm NATO and .308 Winchester, the Kalashnikov Concern calls it the AK-308. While it’s not the first rifle of its kind, it is a fresh and modern take on the tried-and-true design.
FIRST LOOK: Kalashnikov Concern Unveils Brand New AK-308 Rifle
2018年8月21日 · Kalashnikov Concern has started preliminary testing on its new AK-308 rifle, which is chambered in 7.62x51mm with a 16.3-inch barrel.
AK-308: Specs || Kalashnikov Media
2019年3月12日 · Design features of the TR3 carbine. Part 2. Fundamental differences between TR3 and Saiga or the story about the magic patch. Part 1.
Kalashnikov debuts new AK308 model. Guess what caliber it is …
2018年8月21日 · Part AK-103, part AK-12 and all 7.62x51mm, the Russian-based Kalashnikov Group has been showing off a new rifle this week. Classified as the AK308, the new gun in the traditional...
Kalashnikov AK-308 assault rifle (Russia) - Modern Firearms
The Kalashnikov AK-308 assault rifle is based on the new 5.45mm AK-12 assault rifle, with the basic design being stretched and strengthened to accept noticeably more powerful ammunition. It features the same Kalashnikov gas operated, long stroke piston, rotary bolt system.
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