Ohio BMV
Renew your registration, view your driving record, become an organ donor, and more. An easy, private, and secure way for Ohioans to present their state-issued ID. Renew your driver license or ID card. Save your time. Don't wait in line. Federally compliant licenses and IDs. Your personal BMV profile and important notifications. Have a question?
Ohio BMV
New Ohio Residents. Welcome to Ohio! You are considered an Ohio resident once you: Take a job, Sign a lease, Buy a home, or; Enroll children in school; Within 30 days of establishing residency, you are responsible for transferring your out-of-state driver license or ID card, vehicle title, and vehicle registration to Ohio.
Ohio BMV
Ohio Department of Public Safety Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. About the BMV Newsroom. Online Services More Resources
Ohio BMV
For online knowledge testing, visit Ohio BMV – Online Services. For knowledge testing in person, visit any driver exam station in Ohio. To find a driver training school visit: Approved Driving Schools. To schedule driving and skills test visit: BMV Online Services and select the "Schedule a Driving or Skills Test" tile.
Ohio BMV - Online Services
View your own personal BMV profile and important notifications Ohio Mobile ID Manage your Ohio issued driver license, ID card, or commercial driver license in your wallet app on your phone or watch
Ohio BMV - Online Services
There’s no wait at BMV Online New Online Services Put You in the Driver's Seat!
Ohio BMV
The Ohio BMV utilizes a VIN Decoding Program provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The program identifies the vehicle’s fuel type based upon the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and model year.
Ohio BMV
New Ohio Residents. BMV Records. BMV Investigations. Crash Reports. Insurance Companies. Government Resources. Deputy Registrar Opportunity. Communication Disability Law. Identity Proofing Enhancements. 2-Step Verification. Dealer Licensing. Organ Donor
BMV Online Services - Ohio Department of Public Safety
Many Ohio BMV services are available online, including: OPLATES: Renew/replace/exchange your vehicle plates. Reinstatement Fees: If your license is suspended, view your reinstatement requirements or pay your reinstatement fees. Driver License/ID Card: Check the processing status of your driver license/identification card.
Ohio BMV Locations & Opening Hours Near Me | DMV.ORG
OH BMV Office Services. Whether its handling your personal paperwork or keeping your vehicle legal, the process is handled by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) in the Buckeye State. Specifically, the OH BMV can help you with: Driving permits. Driver's licenses for: Teens. Adults. Commercial drivers. Motorcycle riders. State ID cards.