Overview – NEXO
GEO M12 takes its place as the flagship of NEXO’s GEO M Series, sharing the same aesthetic and sonic signatures as the acclaimed GEO M10 and compact GEO M6 line arrays.
Modules – NEXO
GEO M12 comprises touring and installation versions of a compact, high-output line array element using a single 12″ driver, both of which are available with 10° or 20° vertical dispersion. The …
The NAMM Show in California is the first public outing for NEXO’s new GEO M12 line array, the top-of-the-line addition to the hugely successful GEO M family of sound reinforcement …
Nexo重磅回歸,盛大發表新喇叭P12、GEO M12-普洛影音網
2019年7月25日 · M12線性陣列模組尺寸為寬約37公分、高約70公分、深約44.6公分,重量則約為34公斤, 並搭載性能優異的12吋釹製低音單體,搭配1.4吋的喉管高音單體。 而它也提供兩種 …
New and Used GEO M12 Line Array System for sale - GearSource
GEO M12 takes its place as the flagship of NEXO’s GEO M Series, sharing the same aesthetic and sonic signatures as the acclaimed GEO M10 and compact GEO M6 line arrays.
Nexo Geo M12/MSub18 2020 - Black - Reverb
Bottom tour bumpers have feet that can be attached allowing leveling of the stack. Also included is flybars for touring bumper. Subs have dollies and covers. There are enough amp channels …
ネキソ社のスピーカー技術を凝縮したフラッグシップモデルが登場 NEXO スピーカーシステム GEOシリーズ『GEO M12 …
2019年3月13日 · 株式会社ヤマハミュージックジャパン(東京都港区)は、NEXO SA(フランス パリ)が開発したスピーカーシステムGEOシリーズ 『GEO M12』システムを2019年4月に …
Nexo Geo M12 - Zapaudio
Un line array polyvalent, léger, puissant et abordable. Le GEO M12 prend sa place en tant que fleuron de la série GEO M de NEXO, partageant les mêmes signatures esthétiques et sonores …
M12 10 + M1220 SPEAKER NEXO - ALV France
NEXO M12 10 + M1220 - 08 x M12 10 loudspeakers - 04 x M1220 speakers Set in 03 flight case Amplification available as an option Accessories see below Used - Reviewed and checked In a …
NEXO GEO M12 - Mainmix
Das NEXO GEO M12 ist ein hochmodernes Line-Array-System, das speziell für professionelle Events entwickelt wurde. Mit seiner leistungsstarken Klangqualität und innovativen …
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