GitHub - prime31/Nez: Nez is a free 2D focused framework that …
Nez aims to be a feature-rich 2D framework that sits on top of MonoGame/FNA. It provides a solid base for you to build a 2D game on. Some of the many features it includes are: SpatialHash for super fast broadphase physics lookups.
Nez (@NezRakun) - Twitter
2022年2月17日 · The latest Tweets from Nez (@NezRakun). Hello :D This is Nez. PFP: @paintscroll Business Inquiries: [email protected]
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Raku - New World Encyclopedia
Raku is the traditional method for creating bowls for the Japanese Tea ceremony. Raku tea bowls are hand made from earthenware, each with a unique shape, glaze and style. The Zen philosophy behind the Japanese tea ceremony influenced the artistic style of Raku potters in Japan.
Nez-Box - P站画师Nez-Box图片作品主页-触站
触站为你集合Nez-Box画师作品大全,海量Nez-Box作品都能一手掌握,Nez-Box画师p站id:13223970. 首页 精品 AI绘画 新作 二次元 国风 概念艺术 ...
#fanart Onodera and Raku - Nez-Boxのイラスト - pixiv
FANART(ファンアート)とは、既存の作品をもとにファンが作るイラストに付けられるタグ。 「デジタルアート」の英語表記。 「アニメ」のラテン文字表記。 この作品 「Onodera and Raku」 は 「fanart」「digitalart」 等のタグがつけられた「Nez-Box」さんのイラストです。 「For team Onodera」
落落Raku - cos谷
5 天之前 · 落落小姐姐可不仅仅是颜值高哦,作为Coser,她每次的角色扮演都超级还原,每一个细节都拿捏得死死的,粉丝们看了都忍不住大喊“好想娶回家! ”这不只是因为她的外貌,更多的是她对角色的热爱和用心呢。 说她是“从二次元里走出来的小仙女”,一点都不夸张哦! 虽然落落走的是甜美路线,但她偶尔也会挑战一些酷酷的、帅气的角色,那反差感直接让粉丝们陷入了“无法自拔”的状态! 是不是很有趣呀? 要是把上次的 软软Roro 和黑川放在一起,再加上落落Raku的 …
GitHub - zag/raku-knowledge-base: This site is a collection of ...
2024年10月3日 · Welcome to the Raku Knowledge Base repository! This project aims to provide a comprehensive, easily navigable resource for all things related to the Raku programming language. The Raku Knowledge Base is built using Podlite, a powerful markup language for creating and managing information ecosystems.
Raku | Neru Wikia | Fandom
Raku has a depressing and nihilistic personality. She is suicidal, and has made many attempts to kill herself, however, she is too scared to actually go through with it. She is friends with Tanaka and Yamaguchi, as she appears in their PV, and has been seen with them in Sidu's comics. She might know E as well, as he is shown in the same comic.
What is Raku Pottery? A Beginners Guide on How To Make Raku
2020年2月11日 · Raku is a low fire process, reaching around 1830F (1000C) at its highest temperature. In raku, pottery is removed from the kiln when red hot. It is cooled rapidly, often in combustible material like sawdust or paper. Raku firing is usually done in a fuel-burning, rather than an electric kiln.
Naked Raku Technique from Experts Charlie and Linda Riggs
2024年8月21日 · Naked raku gets its racy name because during the process of firing, the outer shell of slip that was applied falls off revealing the “naked” surface of the pot underneath. Charlie and Linda Riggs have been doing the naked raku technique, also referred to as slip-resist raku , …
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